
@luisthebeast: yeah, and they reproduce bills like bunnies if you let them loose.

@LoganSix: lol just saw it, you've beat me to it.

@1AJeremy: C'mon F+ for effort at least...

Hey, i'm from Brazil, don't you have a spot for me? I can follow directions like an INVISIBLE TRAINED MONKEY.

@SerialThriller: i for a moment thought that someone had twisted my monitor.

@ThreeLitre: YES, form a long time i don't see such a bold move on cars. Come on, how longe haven't you being without putting your sight on a new car, short wheelbase, edgy design screaming, begging to be driven until you hit a wall?

@irishman72: you sir, just won my heart right there...

@TheCroatianGuy: how i nominate you for COTD? that a smart and funny comment right there. Seinfield could say that

@vertigo: i'm pretty sure if you move it around sometimes and between countries, some countries doesn't share the user's info with FBI, or Scotland Yard or anyone else.

@DfizzleShizzle: some people do. But games go easier through the customs as they come in a smaller package.

@andreramses: you just missed the chance to sing "bom xi bom xi bom bom bom"

@sackboy14: no, i just don't have a ps3. cool huh?

@AcornPop: man, i loved that game too! came with my "Multimedia kit" from Creative.

@hercules_100_98: maybe he smokes his finger. nobody knows what he does on the closet.

@owen-magnetic: i'm pretty sure they would be illegal here in Brazil.

@Andrew Murphy: really? you know that swastika thing is not a big thing, in many cultures it means "that which is associated with well-being"

@kake81: Violence and power is never enough.