that first gif with the gliding fall gliding land on horse and mount at the same time. that’s hot!
that first gif with the gliding fall gliding land on horse and mount at the same time. that’s hot!
Thank you for the warning
League of Legends....
so famous people can plagiarize without any penalties but normal students are forced to fail classes or get academic suspension? ok yes thats fair /s
came here for charts or graphs...left disappointed
Ohh! Thank you for the explanation. Now the video makes so much more sense to me.
If only the fox wasn’t hollow...
I’ll stick to the cute and fluffy harmless pink ball thank you. At least that way I won’t die in fear but cuteness overload
Druid’s Innervate says hello
Never fear! The Heart of the Cards shall always be with you as the white whale roams the depths of the All Blue.
yay its my first time seeing a top post about lifeinaggro!
i just read this on reddit last night...
Legend of one?
overall the movie reminded me alot of The Legend of Korra.
an amazing pc to play all my games in the highest graphics.
came here for the squirrel. was not disappointed.
I agree with you. That Marvel is or was getting an unfair slice of the profit pie.
To be expected. If Marvel, who created and established fictional characters, cannot have a cut in profits or any say in how their Intellectual Property is publicized in media not under their control, then why should they allow others to keep cashing in on their cow?
You’re concern is understandable. However, this ‘leak’ has been spread over the internet, and as a result, it is considered to be ‘news’ by serial publications worldwide.