

Chrome orange so it reflects into their windows.

Harlequin wrap.

Apparently you do if you live in Philly.

PSA: dashcams are remarkably inexpensive and relatively easy to install.

Ask NYDOT, NYPD or NYxx something and this is how they reply: ?

If the picture above is any indication, that isn’t much of a notification of a permanent change to a long-time traffic pattern. Usually something this drastic (something that for example might not be updated on GPS for a while) would involve a lot more warning and more specific signage.

Which most likely makes the tickets unenforceable so they aren’t being nice by letting people out of them in court. They are being jerks for issuing a ticket that you have to dispute to get out of it. They could have issued warnings that no one would have to answer, and they would have the same teaching effect. This

Have you really never seen a sign on the side of the road warning about upcoming traffic changes? Often it is in an orange frame with yellow flashing lights to catch the attention of drivers, because the authorities actually want people to be aware of safety issues on the road. Maybe put one of those up for a week

That depends, am I white or black in this scenario? 

The police break the law all the time. That’s why we hate them. They don’t follow their own rules. It would be a karmic blessing if you blew a tire at highway speeds.  Godspeed.

Oh shut up you know this is bullshit. The fact that they stopped ticketing people and the people who were ticketed are able to get out of it proves it. 

They put up signs the morning it went into effect. No advance notice.

Officers have discretion over what they give tickets for.  Instead of a warning and educating drivers that there is a new traffic pattern, they choose to be revenue whores for the city.  

Ah, you’ve never broken the speed limit, even when they just changed the speed on the road?

No, it’s the NYPD and DOT’s fault for not warning people in advance.

Especially the goddamn NYPD.

Is New York City really as much a shit hole as you read about? Or do you just need bags of money to enjoy it?

Yet officers still sit around the station house wondering why the public hates them. It’s freaking amazing.

Really, why do we care what the driver or crew’s sexuality is?