
Fat bodies (or fat ON bodies, since a lot of these women aren’t what a lot of us would call “fat”) are always seen as more obscene than thin ones. Just look at the way plus-size models and bloggers have their photos on Instagram and videos on YouTube reported and removed when they post media in which they are not

Wait till you have kids and real household work to divide before you decide how liberal and feminist your boyfriend is. Amazing how many just have excellent pre-baby game. I’m sure my ex’s new gf thinks he’s all kinds of wonderful and feminist, but truth is bae ain’t paid regular child support in months and is still,

The chemistry between Marcia and Christopher Darden though.

It’s simple. She’s voting for the candidate who cares about the issues and has a plan! And not the candidate who supports building a time machine, and going back in time to the year 33 AD so they can be part of the mob that killed Jesus. Her candidate would never do that.

2008 was for all practical purposes decided in March, we just had to watch Hillary Clinton flail around a few more months insisting it was just a flesh wound. As irritating as it was for her to hang on that long, I don’t think there’s any reason to believe the extended primary damaged Obama’s chances in the general.

I prefer to find out about pregnancy the old fashioned way, in the middle of excruciating labor in a deserted alley way, as punishment for my sins of the flesh.

Oh god, I had to read this about 4 times before I realized that the IRS agent was making the dispensary owner pay off the IRS agent’s student loans. I was reading it that the IRS agent made the dispensary owner pay off his own student loans, and I could not, for the life of me, figure out why he would care.

Ugh, me too! I was so excited to see this, then sad that it’s only in SF and NYC. I need this so bad. As an early 30 all my friends are either having babies or have moved away, I have one close friend but she lives almost 2 hours away and works crazy long hours. My boyfriend and BF of 12 years recently broke up with

Yeah this needs to roll out in more cities asap.

I think this is a great idea. As a single and an old and one who has lived all over the country (for work), it’s been hard to keep up friendships - especially those that really just had the job in common. Not to mention the long lost friends who you finally find them on FB, read their timeline and their Trump 2016! /

I still have concerns.

Once Nick Frost tweeted me back when I asked him if he and Simon Pegg were as good of friends in real life as they are in Shaun of the Dead. He said “the best of friends” and I almost died.

Pinkham’s Law post mortem

True enough, but if you’ve gotta cut costs so dramatically that quality is going to seriously suffer, you need to also rethink your design and marketing (and pricing) strategy accordingly. I mean you don’t need an MA in merchandising to know that there’s a very limited number of people willing to pay two hundred bucks

I think lizards are great. I Wikipedia-ed “goanna,” and came across this delightfully deadpan factoid:

“Alarmed goannas can mistake standing humans for trees and attempt to climb off the ground to safety, which is understandably painful, as well as distressing for both man and beast.”

Cristina Yang had an abortion like three seasons ago.

I miss Cristina Yang more than I miss a lot of actual human beings I know.

What? Diane ain’t going to be in it?

my aunt told me van morrison was an asshole and it ruined my life

I was a goth kid, and if my goth friends weren’t at school, I sat by myself. Sitting by yourself is really goth.

I really liked this piece — I think it does a good job of bringing out some nuances around trying to be a good, diligent partner. That said, I really need to point out some trends in the comments section that are representative of what happens in every comments section on the topic of sexual behavior.