
Jim Spanfeller

What was your first giveway? That her entourage included these guys?

Now that you’ve explained this to me, I am sorry that you did so. This Monday is really going downhill....

The person who came immediately to mind - - The Wizard of Oz. 

My LeNoceur fanfic is so off.

Khan is intelligent, but not experienced.

Two words: Cheap. Grace.

While it’s certainly bad PR, it doesn’t appear to pose a significant threat to the Times’ business

If I can make another quick molehield, buddy...

Neil Young does a single note solo on “Cinnamon Girl” and it’s transcendent. This is awful. How does that even work?

Also, Giulani should be encouraged to make as many media appearances as humanly possible. Right now, he’s the Dems’ greatest asset. 

1. How did it help you quit smoking if you have been Juuling for literal years? You have traded one bad nicotine delivery device for another - less researched - nicotine delivery device. There are cigarette abatement programs that would work much quicker than your plan.

The easiest way to become the smartest person in the room is to be so smug that everyone else leaves.

I would bet all the money that AB’s thought process is “I’m gonna add my lawyer to this cnversation - now it’s attorney-client privledge.

He just took the 110 to the 10 but the 10 was jammed so he got off on Venice boulevard until the PCH and got there in like 40 minutes, there was even street parking.

No, gold goes to Ham-off-the people telling you that wearing a suit that is anything less than a $1,200 bespoke model reveals you as a shabby rube. Never mind that a properly tailored suit from Men’s Wearhouse (!)—which Ham views as one step up from wearing a cardboard box—looks perfectly fine to 97 percent of the

Yeah but look at the payoff! Dude looks like he’s pushing 140, 145!

Weirdos who never get laid tend to have strong opinions about sex.

Best of the Seattle Big Four by a wide margin:

The Bernie one just reinforces the fact that the average rock star is old as shit.