
Yeah but maybe what it did do is stop a stupid ass president from doing something stupid.

The idea that shit-talking a candidate during a primary harms them in the general was probably never very true, and most assuredly isn’t true at all now. The overwhelming majority of people in this country know who they will vote for next November based solely on the letter by their name. Modern American elections are

I’ve been assaulted, as have almost every other female I know. None of us reported because of bullshit like this. That’s reality: we’d rather deal with our ordeal in silence than be silenced and criticized for everything we did to “cause” our assaults, everything we are “making up” because our memories don’t react in

The racist bits are beyond shitty. And the DV jokes are lame. But let’s not throw too many stones from our glass house on the latter issue.

Gravity finally gets its sweet revenge on Newton. 

Can confirm as a woman who has been assaulted. The thought of a) having to talk to cops about it (or at all, ugh) and b) knowing I would have to answer questions like “why did you go outside to smoke with a guy who had already complimented your tits in that dress” was enough to make me roll my eyes and say “fuck it.”


Yeah...it’s easy to say “That’s what I would do,” and I encourage any women who have been assaulted to go to the police.

I don’t think I’d report an assault to the police or ever go public, because everyone accuses you of making it up and if it’s a famous person you get death threats and stuff and nothing ever happens to the actual rapist. It’s clearly not worth it. 

It’s for this reason, an experience I myself went through being treated like trash by cops after I was brutally raped by a stalker ex who was hiding in the shrubs outside my door waiting to attack when I got home, that I told my daughter if it happened to her I’d support whatever decision she made but sometime the

I recently heard from one person about an incident from sixty years ago. Sixty years passed before they were ready to talk...sixty.

Who has time to educate themselves when there’s opportunity to expose their ass on the Internet instead?!

The Browns are just never-forgetting 9/11 by going after the wrong guy.

But look at all the great guys we did  sign and/or kept for a very long time:

Security experts have confirmed that it only took the offender three attempts to break the account’s password: GUMBOGUMBOGUMBO

Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.

It’ll be Steven Miller holding his index finger above his upper lip to simulate a mustache, and calling himself Meven Stiller. 

Hyperloop is 100+ years away from replacing air travel, or even being comparable to it.

It’s the same in this country, saying “I’m not racist, but . . .” makes everything after that Not Racist.

People just park in the fire lane right in front of the door here

Jones also added, “Eli Manning is still one of the NFL’s best quarterbacks and should be starting for the Giants for many years to come.”