
It’s only welfare when it goes to people with brown skin. If you’re white enough, it’s “boostrap funds.”

Finding something that somebody else paid for and then claiming it is free is one of the major tenets of libertarianism.

“Just switch to paste, like I did” - Eli Manning.

I’m hung up on the descriptor “vivacious”.

I know someone like that. His GPS broke, and he literally needed directions to my house, which he had visited probably 200 times in the previous year.

Hot Take: I often like the cake part of a cupcake more than the frosting.  Obviously you gotta have frosting on there but a lot of times it’s way too sweet. 

I mean, it’s a terrible plan when you consider for a second that if the army of the dead had won, it also would have doubled its size. But since nobody considered that in the whole of the show, I don’t really hold it against Cersei.

Provel cheese is garbage, and Imo’s is what you get when you let a cat barf on cardboard and shove it in the oven for about 10 minutes too long. I spent a decade in St. Louis and would defend the bread-cut bagels FAR more than I’d defend the culinary war crimes that are St. Louis-style pizza.

I’m pulling for the Sharks, since their window is closing fast, but I don’t like that call.

I agree, even though I don’t see a way around VAR in football. Would be nice if it was more automated to cut down on the ‘standing around while someone watches something’ time.

You might call that the “Hand of God” argument.

Sounds like Bird and Lime don’t like having their business model disrupted.

With purchase of Ecuadorian flag at the embassy gift stop.

Clue 2 about his young age is he thinks dudes can’t/won’t jerk off without access to Internet porn. I guess he never had to jerk off to underwear ads in the Sunday paper.

I love Jimmy John’s. I know that’s not a popular opinion around these parts, but we like what we like. I think the reasons I enjoy are the bread and the overuse of mayonnaise. I would imagine a person’s opinion on mayonnaise and their opinion of Jimmy John’s are closely related. 

“so, didja go to da fish fry at Olaf’s last frayday? Was super gud. 

Police unions are the worst. They tend to not be affiliated with the AFL-CIO or any other part of the labor movement, they rarely participate in any kind of pro-labor activism, and they often back explicitly anti-union policies that affect the private sector and even other public sector employees as long as they don’t

I live in your hell.

If you tell your friends/roommates “hey, just going to swap some BJs with a guy” and they’re not happy for you, fuck those friends. Not literally, though, since they don’t seem like they’d be as enthusiastic.