
It’s amazing that even if Biden got #MeToo’d, it still would only be the third worst thing about him.

Well, LYFT always wanted to fuk UBER, so I guess they found the best way possible! “Ha Ha.  Try to get public now, losers”

I dunno man, Ainsley Maitland-Niles comes out ahead, I think. Though this is a fun project.

I cannot imagine being a billionaire who can do literally anything in the world at any time, yet be so vain and petty and thirsty for attention like “why won’t the media give MEEEE credit for being a part-owner of a baseball team thanks to daddy’s money??”

20 seconds in when Giannis gets up to hug the girl, the one cop gets all jittery like he’s going to have to shoot someone.

Baseball as a sport is indubitably slower and less overtly athletic than basketball or to a lesser extent football”

Dude, pass interference calls, but instead of yardage, you either add or lose seconds equivalent to the penalty (no field position change).

You know when I was a kid, there was this ballplayer, Cool Papa Bell, and he was fast, very fast — they used to say he could flip the light switch and be in bed before the lights were off — it’s true, they said this, we all know it, and we all know his name, Cool Papa Baseball, but guess what, did you know he didn’t

This shit is so good and I keep being afraid someone’s going to notice and take him away from here.

Avenatti’s biggest mistake, in terms of enriching himself through a grift, was trying to align with liberals rather than conservatives.

I’m 27, female, and have lived with a bunch of different roommates over the past ten years—I live with all guys right now and it’s actually the cleanest and least dramatic apartment I’ve ever had.

You’ve had issues 6 out of 10 times there and you continue to go back?

I’ve had 2 roommates in my life; my wives.

Man, my boss pulls that shit and it’s not worth it for even our (pretty good) salaries. Then again, we’re only getting paid in dollars, not an invaluable Michigan State education and the privilege of being a College Athlete. 

The (only) great high school athletic achievement of mine was successfully pulling a hidden ball-trick from second base. I played 2b and if someone stole second my SS would approach the runner and kindly let him know the umpire had called a foul tip while I mimed throwing the ball around but kept the ball in my glove,

Best Deadspin Soccer Writers

Once again, organized labor shows its power. HamNo must be thrilled!

In February, Morgan, Lloyd, Rapinoe, and Becky Sauerbrunn were granted Notices of Rights to Sue by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the federal agency that the USWNT complained to in 2016. These Notices allowed them to file the current equal pay lawsuit, which the four stars did three months before their

That scandal plus the nomination of Hillary Clinton is how I went from a lifelong loyal Democrat to a person who doesn’t trust the party and wants to see 95% of Democrats voted out of office by more leftist politicians. 

Who divides by ten and then doubles it? You multiply by two and then knock a zero off. Surely that’s obvious?