
There are many things to love about Drew, but the thing I love the most about him is how effusively he lives his life

It only takes four beers to make Blake Bortles feel like a champ.

I used to care about this stuff. Then, I realized that halls of fame and year end awards are meaningless because the people voting are idiots.

Not with Capitals players and Management doing interviews and acting like Wilson is some sort persecuted victim of horrible goonery, and that they have no idea how the NHL could possibly, ever allow such egregious violence against such an innnocent man...

My Trump-supporting family members literally do not care about any proven negative fact about Trump or anyone associated with him or any public figure who publicly supports him. I envy you having a Trump - supporting family member who would actually be aware of and acknowledge reality (and what it means) to any degree.

Sadly, I think there’s a high chance he won’t be able to remember this lesson. 

You can fuck dudes and not be gay...

I hear they used an entire Lime for this years supply of the drink. 

Got out in Wyoming to drive to the Mother Featherlegs monument (the only monument to a prostitute in the US), got out in South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, and the worlds largest concrete prairie dog, etc. There were a few states where we made a point of driving to see odd sight, but didn’t stay

Agreed. My very rural grandparents called lunch “dinner” though. Supper was in the evening, dinner was mid-day.  My dad still does this sometimes.

I still can’t believe just picking Yeo as Hitch’s heir apparent didn’t get him fired.  He was a shit coach even with a talented team in Minnesota.

Well, if they’re worried about people throwing rocks, maybe it’s best they didn’t send Marines. A group of bored Marines inevitably leads to Marines throwing rocks at each other to pass the time.

One clip on YouTube and the opening stumbles

So, as an experienced parent, what are the best children’s’ activities to re-live as an adult, that take you right back to being a kid again?

I never said they were an enemy, I have many close friends who are corporations and I resent the implication (the first girl I kissed was a corporation even!) Just that they waste our tax dollars on frivolous things they don’t need like Jordans and chains and giant sculptures in the lobby while their communities go

The weirdest thing about The Running Man (and that is really saying something) is that the future governors of not one, but two states star in it.

Is his middle name “And”?

Sorry, jerkin it is better than scratching a severe rash. Just take the L.

But why go out of your way to reassure those voters that their reasoning wasn’t racist?

Look, as someone who hails from a racist area.... telling racists that they’re racist doesn’t magically make them become less racist. That’s a lovely myth because it makes the person calling someone racist feel better. They like to think of it as constructive criticism. You don’t tell someone in their late 30's