
The argument against calling GnR a Hair Metal band is the same argument for not calling System of a Down a nu-Metal band: those two genres suck, while those two bands don’t. Otherwise, they fit right in.

Of all the bad lists that have graced the pages of Deadspin, that gum ranking may be the absolute worst. Passion fruit gum at No. 2?!?

Lost me when you said De Brunye is a lesser player than Pogba. 

De Bruyne, the best attacking midfielder in the game for several years now, is a clearly inferior player to Pogba? Huh.

Having a separate set of snow tires really isn’t worth the hassle. I tried it with my Golf because I was terrified that it was going to suck in the snow, but the all-seasons on it were just as good as the Blizzaks without all the noise. Besides, with how much they over-salt the roads up here most of the time you’re

The way he’s wording this you could easily make the argument that an elected official could STILL be leading the KKK while in office as long as they save the white hood for the weekends and don’t let it interfere with their official duties.

I’m not sure exactly how incompetent someone has to be to fuck up an arbitration clause in 21st century America. Courts nearly always allow and enforce them - you probably have a fully binding and inescapable one with Netflix over whether you can sue them if you can’t watch QE, or if they accidentally sell your

Ok but also, this was kink.

The only people who “need” to see the n-word tape are white people who believe that racism is a zero-sum game. Either you hate black people and call them the n-word and you’re racist, or you’re not. These are people that don’t believe that racism operates on a scale, because believing that racism only involves hatred

That 40% won’t change even if you get multiple recordings of Trump saying the n-word and anything else you can imagine he’s probably said. He was right when he said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and not lose his supporters.

News was always a for profit industry.

I stopped reading after “Jack Wilshere” and “potentially oustanding” were used in the same sentence.

Step aside, string bean!


A disturbing number of these guys do not even understand why they shouldn’t hit their girlfriends and we expect them to follow a bunch arcane rules on how to hit other players?

lol Yeah, I wouldn’t have remembered this DB Cooper thing at all if hadn’t been for that Goober in a Nutshell episode of NewsRadio. #tubalcain

This was my parents approach as well. Our punishment would never become their punishment too. My mother still gleefully tells a story about the time I drew all over the back of these kitchen chairs we had, and so she took my favorite toy and said, “You ruined something of mine now I’ll ruin something of yours” and she

You know Africa by Toto? It sounds like that.

It’s just a new way to make you and those you know miserable. But people love sex, people love drama, so god bless ‘em.

Last letter was kind of a brag with an innocuous question.