
That’s not a LUV, this is a LUV;

“They just give away the mustard?! When did this country become a socialist hellhole?”

performs pro-bono real-estate work

Mango Bonespurs would just brag about that one time he gave a Joejob and his followers would cheer from the rafters. Except if CNN reports it then there would be hell toupee.

This and the fact that TO was unapologetic about the fact that he was great. I think Sportswriters like to be the ones to anoint greatness but TO wasn’t kowtowing to their BS. Glad he’s in the Hall, glad he didn’t attend their stupid ceremonies, and glad he showed up the Hall and the Sportswriters for the hypocrites

The one where the defense watched Alex Morgan run by unchecked was nice. 

The first night at home from the hospital was, for my wife and I, the worst night of our lives. Our son cried non-stop all night, and being new sleep-deprived parents, we thought something was wrong. What we didn’t know, is that’s what he would do literally every single night for the next four months.

I am waiting to see if Katie Vick filled out an absentee ballot.

You're not wrong

I agree. I had cousins living there and absolutely HATED the month I had to spend there for that week each summer growing up.

Can verify - have been to 49 of the 50 states, and Indy is, well, not even in my top 300 cities/towns/offramps.

It’s entirely possible that McDaniels arrived in Indy, started driving through the city, saw all 6 blocks that it had to offer and turned the fuck around.

That’s not what I got out of it. Diana has hardly been sympathetic to abusive scumbags in the past. I think this is more about the media going full rampage without knowing all the facts, while coddling the child molester even while knowing the facts.

“So... I saw your dad and Bridget took you to the ballgame this weekend...”

That has to be a stepmom right? Way too hot to be a regular mom 

I saw a movie that starts like this.


I’m going to let the team that didn't do the Tomahawk Chop be the first to complain about a lack of decorum. 

Trump ruined Wile E Coyote for me by declaring himself a super genius and not giving proper credit to the OG

C’mon, y’all. Ralph Wolf is basically Let’s Remember Some Toons.