
That moment where Cochran solemnly nods to confirm that black shoppers prefer Ross had me guffawing.

I think this episode was the first indication we've ever gotten of the fate of the government/elected officials/etc. Paula didn't say what happened to them all after they'd been evacuated, and probably didn't know anyway, but maybe in season 14 the gang run across the shadow government operating under some mountain in

Oregon Trail references are how I identify my fellows among those of us born between mid-1981 and early-1983 who attended public American middle schools.

Or Abe, because he loves two women. Or Morgan, because pacifist. Or Gabriel, because he was finally getting useful. Or Carol, because she's apparently run off to install herself as warlord somewhere else.

The baby was giving Rick some serious side-eye at the start as he awkwardly blurted out to Korl the timeline of his hookup with Michonne.


You are either a Name Of The Rose person, or you are a Foucault’s Pendulum person.

Don't forget the nurse's thoughts and feels.

Not even the cowboy-pimp Mush and Room brass knuckles won you over?

Wtf did I just watch? On the other hand, the show continues its proud tradition of garbling Arab/Iranian boogeymen terrorism stuff - like that episode, I think all the way from the first season, where the woman's dead boss astrally projects to save her from an ATM mugging by terrorists who spoke Arabic but somehow

I was sure Glenn was going to die after he namedropped Dale, Tyreese and Andrea in the same breath.

I don't know, he was already pretty messed up, I guess by the abusive dad. I imagine very few kids, and especially ones with additional emotional/intellectual/whatever needs, would last long in the ZA. Which is why we only have Carl and the occasional 8-year-old sociopath to contend with on this show.

I was immensely pleased that the idiotic step-family has been dispensed with, as I'm on the record wishing for both the useless sons to die quickly. Now Rick and Michonne and be platonically, moodily together forever.

I too was shouting at the TV: just lighting a bunch of bonfires has been the solution THIS WHOLE TIME?

THAT was the Scully of my feverish adolescent fantasies. Only better, and hotter, with superior fashion sense.

You obviously did not hear her throw out the term "hood rat" on SVU like 10 years ago.

I get that Scully is in her 50s, but the makeup crew seems to be going overboard. Maybe it's just really jarring compared to Stella/Bedelia of just a few months back. (Too bad they didn't have that kind of stuff on that Norwegian-ghost-ship-turns-people-elderly episode).

Tyreese (Cutty) Vs The Mormons … IN SPACE!

Time-traveling Russian alien hybrid double agent crossover episode…?

Mulder looked like such an unshaven degenerate in the opener - like, for example, he may have spent a good part of the last decade in sex rehab. Does seem from the promo that he cleans up when they go back to work for Skinner, though.