
I was trying to have the “perfect facial expression.” Neutral. Not too happy...wanna stay professional, but not a sourpuss. I was asked by the interviewer, “When are you going to wipe that smirk off your face?”

‘“It’s really hard to understand how this could happen, how somebody could do that to children,” local police lieutenant Dan McGrath told the press.’

Not a fan of clichées, I see.

Poppycock, no one said “you guys” until the FEMINIST BLOGGERS(TM) started doing it.

Can we stop it with the “giving me life” shit? Why do all feminist bloggers all write the exact same shit? “You guys,” “Stay woke,” “This is everything,” calling every celebrity your “best friend,” etc. If one of you actually started writing in an original style it would appear groundbreaking.

It’s even LESS impressive in person!

Hillary seems quite capable and I really like her vocal support of reproductive rights.

Tents cost more than $20, plus sleeping bag, that is the least you can come with. I agree with you to a point, but folks with money often don’t notice how many small purchases can add up.

My god... the ellipses...

Here is what I do... keep in mind I am late 30s, single dad who is doing all he can to stay afloat... I have come to realize your real friends wont give a fuck how much money you have... from just a few drinks, to a trip to the Oregon coast... real friends cover your ass. If have had a lot of acquaintances come and

Whenever your friends suggest an activity that requires a lot of money being spent, suggest something else. If they want to go to a night club, suggest a movie night at home. If they want to go to a ball game, suggest a nice nature hike instead. If they want to go on a trip abroad, suggest spending a long weekend in

A strong argument for the people who believe that white people shouldn’t say “woke”?

It only ‘arouses suspicion’ if you don’t understand the process.

“I voted Bish!”

It’s not Jezebel and Gawker calling the race for Clinton. It’s the AP - they reached out to each and every one of the super delegates to ask who they would be casting their vote for. And, combined with the pledged delegates, enough publicly committed to Clinton to give her the nomination. It is highly unlikely that

Look, I haven't voted yet. But I'm smart enough to understand that voting at the end means the race can be called before I vote. I don't really care about this because democracy is about everyone, not just me. So if she's secured the nomination without my state voting, I'm not gonna pitch a fit and pretend that the AP

I don't have work tomorrow and I'm a little drunk so I texted all my Bernie bro friends and broke the news and they are still trying to tell me he has a chance. It's cute.

I was a stay-at-home dad for the first year. My wife told me I’d be the one who had to sleep train the kid because her Cajun mom instincts ABSOLUTELY wouldn’t let her leave a crying child alone. When it came time for a nap, I’d make some coffee, grab a book and the baby monitor and head for the backyard. I’d turn the

RIP the comments section. My son is almost one so I’m just now wading into the mommy wars, but the biggest one by far has been how to handle sleep issues.

Are you me? I’m so sleep-deprived I can’t tell.