Oh bullshit. You must’ve pulled all the muscles straining to extrapolate like that.
Oh bullshit. You must’ve pulled all the muscles straining to extrapolate like that.
Actually this just sounds like she'd like to experience pregnancy. You came up with the rest of that yourself.
God, you’re an idiot.
One of the more ignorant comments I’ve ever read on here. I have an aunt who adopted first and then went through hell (although not this level) to have a biological child. Those kids were never in competition. Why do we demonize the urge to experience pregnancy and childbirth? Why would we assume that adopted children…
I’m sorry you’re a judgy asshole who shits on women’s choices.
That was unnecessary and kind of mean.
I think there’s a difference between “you’re naked, therefore you like sex and are a slut” and “there is no reason to show us your naked body under the flimsy pretext of not knowing what to wear as anyone who cares to see you naked has already done so”.
1/10 of an ounce is just shy of 3000 milligrams. Your average fluoridated water contains about 1mg per liter. Meaning, you would need to drink about 1200 gallons of water to reach that toxic dose. Dose being the operative word here, because you would die of water toxicity far before that.
Those are a lot of “facts.”
Bernie Sanders also voted for the Crime Bill and current VP Joe Biden wrote it. It didn’t sink either of them. Or the Obama administration for choosing him.
You’re an angry little asshole.
Sure, obviously, black voters support Clinton because they just don’t know better! Not because of any history she has with the community.
I’m desperately trying to find a way a law student’s activism isn’t as relevant as anyone else’s but ... I just can’t.
Isn’t end stage cancer the worst? People who have not witnessed it up close and personal have no clue. Cancer leaves you no dignity, and I would never, ever judge anyone for how they handle their own terminal cancer.
I just think in all the talk about her dying process their could have been more discussion about what other women could do to prevent this.
My sister died of metastatic cervical cancer in December. She had it the first time three years ago, and despite annual Pap smears and everything it was stage ii when they found it. She was in remission for a couple years, and it came back at the beginning of last year and was everywhere. She went from rediagnosed to…
I know, what the fuck with these responses?! I’m an athiest and a staunch women’s health care supporter, and I find these cynical responses pretty distasteful. Should she have gotten screened earlier? Obviously yes - but I’d like to add that my best friend found out she had breast cancer months after the birth of her…
As someone who has been battling stage IV cancer since May of 2015, I can say it has been really difficult to see the progression of the disease and death of this woman. I have a no sharing policy with my husband and father about my situation, other than the basics. No pictures, blog, long Facebook updates. I’ve also…
This. My worst nightmare is to die and leave my children. How comforting it would be to believe we’ll all be together in an afterlife. Sometimes atheism is a harsh mistress.
Maybe I am naive, but I really didnt expect to see so much bullshit cynicism in these replies. This man just lost his wife, this child her mama, and this lovely woman her life. Have some fucking empathy and maybe don’t try to monday night quarterback the way people choose to deal with the terminal illness of their…