
Or, instead of wringing our hands about how terrible it is, maybe one could ask the pertinent question about why a substantial portion of the populace is becoming disenchanted with said social contract?

I’m sorry but are you a game developer? Patches and fixes don’t get made easily. If you change one piece of coding you can screw something else up entirely or maybe even break the game. On top of that they have to test the patch then send it to get approved by companies like MS and Sony. You can’t just drop a patch

Pffft. Whatever. It doesn’t really change anything.

I always laugh at the Snowball interrogation scene, no matter the conext.

I believe in economy of words. You’ve got four extra in the headline.

connect him to something as grounded and serious as X-Men

This is why I look into the heavens in pure wonder and my mind starts to glitch.

I know this article will get a lot of “I’m tired of the cartoony look, it’s soooo bad” crap but I still love it. There are plenty of games using realistic graphics. It’s good to see video games that still look like they are video games. Especially when the art and aesthetics are so damn nice. I will never understand


The PSP classic Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories is now available on iOS and also coming soon to Android and even Amazon devices, Rockstar announced today.

Now playing

Let me just post that Freddie Wong video about that from a couple months ago...