You’re supposed to care about the Host characters too. That’s the whole point.
You’re supposed to care about the Host characters too. That’s the whole point.
Welp. The “Bury Your Gays” trope is alive and well in 2021.
Guys, guys. Clearly he’s saying “Missolonghi, Bowser!” as in, I’m going to throw you all the way to the town in Greece where Byron died. Because Bowser is a fan of Romantic poetry, and Mario knows this.
The unspoken next line being “And I can’t wait to unwrap you.”
Like when Jake Gyllenhaal eats a salad alone in public (WEIRD)
I’ve only ever heard of “uppity” in the context of “uppity women” — which is sexist, I grant, but not racist.
I think “shoot your wad” is the sexual phrase, not “blow your wad” (which I’ve always understood to refer to a wad of money), but I can see how the two could get entangled.
All white people love toast. You can call it a bagel or English muffin, but that shit is all toast to us, and y’all love it.
I would really like to know how old all of you are who are coming out of the woodwork to say this, because I’ve never heard of this scale where a D is, what, 70–77? When I was in grade school, 90–100 was an A (including plus or minus), 80–89 was a B, and so forth: straightforward increments of 10% at a time. I started…
No, that’s been going on for at least a decade.
See the movie version of Mamma Mia. least we hope he’s single.
That’s ridiculous. The one on the left is clearly wearing a tie, while the one on the right has none. Obviously they are two different people.
Hey now, #notallkinjas you know!
They can’t swim, but they can sink.
Why would you even write this? What is wrong with you? Shame!