lena dunhams boobs

Wait, this is NOT the fault of a “patchwork, profit-driven medical system”. She unfortunately did something really stupid, and there is not a fix really, universal healthcare or not. This glue is bonded to her skin, so just waiting for it to grow out or shave it off is probably not an option. Anything able to remove

Working at a software agency, it’s pretty common when you need some asset from a company to just take them of their website or even google if necessary, as otherwise you might have to go through weeks of back-and-forth to get it “officially”. I imagine it could have similar for the prop builders.

Honestly, this was not a -bad- game, being effectively a early Western Horror-RPG. The problem is the instruction book didn’t make clear that

That was my take. A pretty piss poor article overall.

So the only problem here is that he’s rich, basically?

Diablo 3 has definitely outsold Diablo 2 but I’m not sure your “ten times” is based on anything other than you making up a number.

You also have to take into consideration that Diablo 3 is available on five times as many platforms.

They’re not journalists, they’re bloggers. At least that is Jezebel’s standard (stupid) defense every time they have a stupid take.

If a journalist hasn’t “look[ed] much into it,” then they shouldn’t report it let alone commentate on it.

I revisited both the Brady Bunch movie and its sequel over the early part of quarantine for the first time since they were released, and they absolutely hold up. Much better than they have any right to be. 

Take a million stars!!

And there it is. I hope everyone who didn’t vote for Hillary because of their stupid fucking principles sees what happens when you purity test yourself into oblivion. Oh? She didn’t inspire you? Maybe losing your health insurance will inspire you.

I see by your pixel avatar and your expectation that AV Club writers know anything about movies that you’re new here.

Yes, I’m going to vote for pro-fracking when the alternative is pro-fascism.

believe it or not, most people actually own and play more than one video game

Thank you. You can hate Joe Biden for his conduct in 1991, as I do, and still vote for him because he's not Trump. 

The goal posts have been changed. In 2020 we support Biden because he did not personally sexual assault women, like the current president. It is sort of interesting living through the apocalypse.

“Hold it right there, bald headed dude from Law and Order” kills me every time.

I think this is pretty disingenuous. There are certainly alt-left groups, but comparing the alt-right to “liberals” is a hugely false dichotomy. Liberal groups generally push for inclusion, sometimes at the expense of existing social structures. Alt-right groups often push for ethno-states and the subjugation or

I might actually try out Warhammer if they did that.  The entry cost is too damn high.

Mmmmm, digital Warhammer Tabletop... they could charge by the squad and I’d probably still get in on it.