lena dunhams boobs

By the same token, if there wasn’t such a very strong “black males are more likely to be sex offenders” bias in our white supremacist society, I’d be less willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Unless more information comes available, I’ll file this under: “Akward scientist guy being akward”.

“Don’t make us choose between two entitled old white guys, with one being better only because he isn’t suffering from a personality disorder and dementia.” Right now, only old white guys are ahead of Trump in any significant polling. So how about you stop letting the perfect be the enemy of the good and pretending

Unsurprisingly the top comment and general theme here is “censorship: bad,” rather than “empathy: good.”

They're making changes out of respect, not censorship. Not every edit is a "censor." People use the word too much.

“Actors...they make absurd amounts of money”.
Nope, just these actors. An obscene majority of actors, like 90% of them, do not make enough from acting alone to support themselves.

The most popular edition isn't well-received? Are you joking? Just because you have bias against it doesn't mean most people dislike it.

“Given how well fifth edition has been embraced by fans..”

I mean Marvel kind of did her dirty on that film so I don’t blame her. 

She hated the director after she got duped out of Patty Jenkins. 

I’m so glad that climate change is a Chinese hoax and that this is just a blip in God’s weather for us!!!

You caused it, you own it. People around the world are dying because so-called developed nations cannot curb their lust for driving and flying to buy plastic tat and eat too much food.

So I would’ve preferred someone else helm Thor 4.

but it didn’t feel like a Thor movie to me

I’m guessing the number of people who share your opinion is in the single digits. 


Yeah, he’s a flawed hero. It’s kind of a trope for this type of show..... It was also kind of an overarching theme for this season in particular. Nearly every main character was show as flawed this season, from Mike’s jealousy, to Will’s unwillingness to let go of the past, Steve’s broken hearted and loneliness, it

I completely agree with Richard on this. I think Alex Roy is a cool guy but I never considered him a CannonBall Run record breaker. Ed did a great job and it was about time for Richard and Dennis to get dethroned so we can have some legitimate progression.

go assmonkey go!!!!!

Do not underestimate the absolute greed of the chinese. When I lived there I saw these towers and I saw them abandoned. Leaving the food to be thrown away (probably reused). The buffets I saw were the same. Piles of wasted food. They have this "over bundance = high class" view. Greediest people I have ever known.