
Heritage, not hate. Ammirite?!

Should have watched this earlier - what a mood-lifter! These kiddos deserve everything.

Haha! It’s funny because ~weed~ ... you’ll definitely win no matter what this Sunday.

We all agree that Teams Ruff and Fluff have much better fan bases than the Eagles and Pats, right? Throwing a sloth into the mix just makes this shit *even* better. I am exponentially more excited for Puppy Bowl XIII than Brady Bowl 5000.

Ah, the classic man-does-stupid-shit-and-threatens-violence-against-woman-when-caught routine!

True, true. Maybe they’ll just photoshop themselves into posts rather than disrupting traffic with their candid “oh! you caught me mid-stride” pose. This might be better for everyone. Down with NYFW!

We all know that Jay Cutler the Dolphin would have never attempted such a feat. Rather than going for the win (aka, eating an entire octopus at once), he would have thrown his flippers up, opted to go hungry for a few days, but then be a total dick about the whole thing when pressed about his poor hunting performance.

Yes, body-shaming is bad no matter the target.

Those poor influencers! Once NYFW completely bites the dust, they’ll have to stomp around in their rented shoes and pout somewhere else.

Maybe he went light on the hairspray and Cheeto dust for the exam?