A FEW defended him? A FEW!? Bullshit. The comments on that article basically ended up being the straw that broke my back for faith in the human race. Not electing Trump. Not Nazis making a comeback in 2017. The fucking comments on that article.
A FEW defended him? A FEW!? Bullshit. The comments on that article basically ended up being the straw that broke my back for faith in the human race. Not electing Trump. Not Nazis making a comeback in 2017. The fucking comments on that article.
I came here for this. Burfict is an asshole, but Pittsburgh has no room to throw (late) stones.
Well Bell has the moral high ground because the Steelers are universally known for clean play.
Sorry, I guess I wasn’t clear enough. My point wasn’t “avoid Twitter so you aren’t harassed by Nazis.” My point was “avoid Twitter because it’s fucking terrible and any insight or value you derive from it can easily be gleaned elsewhere. And a side benefit of avoiding Twitter you’ll also avoid Nazis on Twitter.”
But is says “shall be called a strike only (not inference)”
“I love my mama very much, and now you know that”.
I bet you’re fun at parties.
All they can say is that their tarp is pretty plain
... and then a view from where the oil pan normally resides, which resembled a mass of guacamole stalagmites
I did a really crappy job with this one. I have made myself a reminder to make a bunch of calls this afternoon to take care of this! I may comment later this afternoon with an update :D
I was reminded of when my dad was given too many blood thinners when he was in the hospital. It was very unpleasant to watch.
I go by the general rule of if it’s daylight out, you use sunscreen. As such, I love Eucerin’s hand cream with sunscreen and will recommend it any chance I get.
The majority of this article has been largely debunked for years now. http://www.snopes.com/photos/people/mailingchildren.asp
Karma is a bitch.
You are such a fucking idiot.
So these people basically grow up inside a jar of Christian formaldehyde. Sad!
No, definitely ‘those guys.’ Oklahoma is a pace-setter for crazyass. They go out fast, then are overtaken on lap eight by the stronger finishers: Alabama, North Carolina, Kansas, and Texas. But their work is done.
That’s why I don’t chase them. I stick to the rivers and the lakes that I’m used to.
Wait. Peeling an avocado? What?
That's more of an Eggcorn. Correctly pronouncing the wrong word instead of mispronouncing the right one.