

Shit yeah, but he deserves to go to jail for something he actually did. Also, putting him in jail for something he didn't do, means the actual perpetrator (condit) goes free. And that's not justice.

By all means marvel at the foxiness but c’mon Jezebel why is this ok but Chris Matthews yammering about Melania Trump, a woman who willingly married a giant festering sweet potato, is not?

Have you seen young Tim Kaine?

Don’tbesuchaboobpunchTina keeps dismissing people who are rightfully pointing out that in America wrongful convictions are common as hell if you are brown or black. Don’t be such a racist Tina!

But “perfectly fine” shouldn’t be how we judge someone who’s been planning this campaign for the last decade. I don’t know why we can’t address the fact that she isn’t a great public speaker. Michelle Obama is able to sound strong, sincere, and energetic in a way that I did not get from HIllary. When Nina Turner

“Read ALL the articles”

Okay Blake

The “screaming internally face” credit Michael at Dlisted

True that’s like 20 years in Taylor relationship time

Please don’t give Michael Lohan the satisfaction of calling him a “celeb.”

VOME Here And Face ME like a man and bring your daddy and mommy

You’re right, this is fun.

if anything happens to her and you will have no where to hide mother ducked like weasel.

My dick is like a can of bud light: Supremely disappointing. :(

I’m done with this year.

The Lindsay Lohan story is just awful, I hope she gets help. There is a strong association between being strangled by a violent partner and later being killed by them.

I love how in America there are reactions like “Ain’t nobody got time for this!” And in England you get proper, polished narrations as if we were in some old timey crime novel.

It’s not a funny story but this quote was kind of hilarious in a Downton Abbey way.