
My Jewish parents attended mass given at the Vatican by Pope John Paul II. I asked why, and my dad told me he was hungry and wanted the cracker.

Lesson one of gun safety: all guns are always loaded. Even if you unloaded them yourself. Even if you checked. Even if you just saw the thing assembled for the first time in its life. It is loaded.

I’m awarding you the highest thing possible: One thumb up.

You are part of an ancient thing that doesn’t know what it is, and can’t.

You know who else turned the US Presidency into a joke?

This woman is an American goddamn hero. It doesn’t even matter that she’s Chinese. That combination of stubbornness, desire to spite the security officials, and getting your drank on just made an eagle cry. It’s beautiful.

This is the woman who should be on the new US $20 bill.

We live in a massively ableist society and I loathe the stigmatisation and othering of disabled people, the notion that disabled people represent a burden at both a family and societal level, and the general lack of support and understanding of disability that there is in the world. That said...

... I am disabled and

Literally no one has said anyone’s existence is offensive, or that they’re offended at all. Templar Omega was saying not that people with various intellectual or physical challenges should be euthanized, but that the bases of such could be eliminated so that those people who would otherwise have had disabilities could

Most kids learn pretty quickly. If you respond to a whine, they’ll do it again. If you “ignore” them until they ask properly, they’ll learn not to whine.

Unpopular opinion: She lost a pregnancy, not a child.

“Elect me, so I can break the government even further so we have to hand more services to the private sector because they seem to be running things better by comparison!”

In the 80s, Republican wet dream poster boy Reagan himself created a panel called the Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation Research Panel to look into using aborted cells for research. The conclusions of this panel, that this would be great for science, lead Bush Senior to lift the ban on donations and for the Senate

He doesn’t need to be prodded, messed with, touched, or interfered with.

He’s also insanely conservative. Whatever, Xena >>> Hercules.

“Do you make your sandwiches with bread?”

Mr. Paul, can you please comment on how much of an asshole you are?

알아다. 잘못했어. 하지만 여기에 실수 고치고 못 해. ㅠ_____ㅠ

I pay money in to a pool that gets disbursed, it’s called taxes. Money that is used to start unjust wars, which is against my religion. If I don’t pay my taxes, I don’t get to pay a fine, I go to prison. This guy is ridiculous and fails to realize or care that part of living in a society is putting money in to things

Pff, I hate it when a series doesn't have the guts to kill off characters.