
They are pretty easy (and cheap) to find in used-book stores; I found a hardback copy of the last three volumes in the series in perfect condition in a used bookstore last month for $4, and individual volumes in paperback in thrift shops for 25 cents. But I get your point — I don’t think my local library has them

There's always going to be people who are saying all the work is done after every victory, but they are also always people who weren't doing any of the work anyway.

I can tell you what the flag was created to symbolize. Treason and hatred. Of the need for men to die that other men might be kept in chains.


If the ham planet collided with the moon, would it become ham and cheese?

Don’t you mean sexual a-salt.

If you think about it, any story about food is the beginning of a poop story.

Clearly anyone who would call it prefect is not a hoopy frood.

Personally, I think it’s worse to be an asshole just to insincerely pander to backwardness than it is to be an asshole based on one’s sincerely held backward beliefs. That’s knowing better and doing evil anyways.

omg I read that as “3rd grade porno” and wondered what kind of fucked up elementary school you went to.

Jesus, really? You’re gonna condemn the moms whose kids this woman “hates being around” and hates taking care of for a living when she’s fired for publicly admitting that as “suburban busybodies with nothing better to do?” Moms have plenty to do, including work for a living and having to send their kids to be cared

The waitress in that second story was so hilariously clueless, I pictured her as Starfire from Teen Titans Go. “On Tamaran, we offer the free refills of the beverages!”

Yeah, but that’s a big “supposed to”. Sigh.

Oh dear. Carly Fiorina wants women to engage more with the political process? I find that....interesting. See, on paper, I'm practically a Republican's wet dream. Grew up on a farm without a lot of money, learned to shoot a gun before I could drive a car, put myself through college and law school by working hard,


Whenever I see Bobby Jindal, I am reminded of the time when I was watching him on the news with the television muted, closed caption on (I was on the phone). The closed captioning kept referring to him as "Govenor Genital" and "Bobby Genital, governor of Louisiana." Now whenever I see him, he is "Governor Genital" to

If the difference between terminating an anencephalic fetus at 21 weeks and euthanizing a senior citizen escapes you, I'm genuinely concerned for your ability to take care of yourself.

I don't know how it works there, but would she be eligible for unemployment based on the new salary? Maybe it was almost a nice thing for them to say that they're firing her but they want her to get more money from unemployment?

psychics? A tree-farm heir? A second FAKE heir named Giorgio Armani? A guy named Blancey? What the hell is going on here?! Are you doing Mad Libs & seeing if we go for it?