What. A. Shock.
What. A. Shock.
I’m weird; I actually started smoking the day I turned 18. And quit the day I turned 30 (though I was never a heavy smoker, quarter-to-a-third of a pack a day mostly).
“Hey man, I quit smoking every day! See me putting out this cig right now? That’s me quitting right now!”
But that’s not my business.
My brother and his girlfriend threw a gender reveal party (inside of a cake) and neither of them knew going into it what the result would be. The weird thing was that they held a “vote” beforehand - guests were asked to put a token into a jar or something to decide if the baby would be a boy or a girl. Maybe we were…
So true. A friend of mine, who is a lesbian, has mentioned that she will refuse to go down on her partner for days after she eats anything with garlic in it.
You made a wise choice. I moved around some when I was younger (San Francisco, New Orleans, New York, even smalltown Montana) to get some perspective, but Minneapolis is where I choose to call my home. The winters can be brutal, sure, but that’s only so we can truly appreciate days like today.
I recognized 11 of them, and own albums by 3 of them. My use of the word “album” obviously betrays the fact that I am over 40.
Say what you want about ephebophilia... at least it’s an ethos.
“The leaks are real, the news is fake”
Hmm, a point I hadn’t even considered. We don’t have enough sets yet that storage/display is an issue, but it won’t be long before we reach that threshold.
Agreed on all counts. My kids and I have been fans of the Lego games for years, so I was super excited at the very idea of Dimensions but initially put off by the price. Then we found a 2-for-1 sale at Toys-R-Us (picked up half a dozen new characters/vehicles), and scored the Starter Portal for less than half price on…
I found myself agreeing with your post more and more as I read, and trying to place that weird feeling of familiarity. By the time Enoch was mentioned, I got it. Duh. I’ve read Cryptonomicon 3 times already, but it has been over a decade since the last reading. Thanks for this!
Thank you...? I’m assuming you’re not being sarcastic, which is unfortunately hard to gauge these days. If you are being genuine, then I definitely appreciate the sentiment.
History will be written by the victors. We still don’t know who that’s going to be.
I’m curious - when you read a newspaper, or a magazine, do you read it literally cover to cover, every single word of every single article? Or do you, like me, skim some, skip some, and only fully read the ones that appeal to you? So... why should you treat Jalopnik any different? Not every article appeals to you, but…
Obviously enough, not everyone shares all or even most of your opinions. What we have here is a wide-ranging blog site, in essence, that tries to throw out a broad net to try to catch the attention of as many people as possible. Some folks actually like reading articles that address political concerns as they relate…
Because the whole “I’m leaving forever!” tantrum is attention-seeking bullshit. Just like all the people who claimed they were “moving to Canada!” after the last election, there is approximately a 0.00001% chance of it being true.
Allow me to clarify. Legally, he crossed the line and that was indeed why he covered his face. Morally, I believe he’s in the clear.