
The “slippery slope” argument is an easy one to make which is why it gets trotted out so often, but it’s also a lazy argument because it can get extended off in any direction to infinity. You have to draw a line somewhere. Punching (neo-)Nazis is an acceptable line to stand behind.

I feel you, man. It’s so damn disappointing to find out that your online bros who you’ve spent dozens or even hundreds of hours with virtually are in actuality deplorable asshats.

If you simply stayed awake you’d be doing better than Carson.

That has always perplexed me as a programming choice. BBC America plays 3-days-long marathons of Star Trek Next Gen all the time because... why? Because Picard is played by a British actor (who is supposed to be French in the show, but that’s neither here nor there) maybe? With all the many and various delightful

Meh. After having read the entire conversation between Swinton and Cho twice over, I came to the exact same conclusion as the author of this article. YMMV. Just goes to show, it’s hard to convey tone in a text-only medium. And thus are born many of the best Internet Arguments.

Maybe not reasonable alternatives (Cruz and logic/reason just don’t belong together in the same sentence), just less horrible alternatives. Mitt Romney, on the other hand, looks downright presidential in comparison to what we’re getting.

Yeah, I’ve been hearing jokes about the darkest timeline for a while now, and I always replied that we were living in the second darkest timeline - President Ted Cruz would have been the darkest timeline. However, as time rolls on, I’m not so sure anymore. Considering the Cabinet picks, the obvious Russian

Damn, that’s one of those “could God create a boulder so heavy that he himself could not lift it?” type of questions, innit?

Prepare for the worst case scenario?

For a long time I have been saying that we need to stop using “racist” as a noun and use it only as an adjective. (We have, at least, come to a point as a society that we can agree that racism is bad - this is one of the few areas in which the Left has actually won something) If you call someone a racist, then they

I used to feel that way myself, once upon a time. I detested Dubya, but I only criticized his policies and didn’t go in for personal attacks. I felt that the position of Commander in Chief deserved some respect, even if the man himself didn’t earn it. But then we got 8 years of all the vileness and crapitude

Well, it’s true that Trump would have won the popular vote if we ignored California and New York, no way around that. Also, Hillary would have won the electoral college if we just ignored the states where she didn’t win. This argument is a pointless exercise in futility...

Such a damn shame. As you say, the whole Flathead Valley area is beautiful. I haven’t been back to visit that (distant) branch of the family in nearly twenty years, but I treasure the ancient memories that I do have of walking around with my dog on endless country roads in the Fall.

Jesus Christ, are you serious with this? My brother lives in Kallispell! (half-brother, technically, but still) We don’t talk much, and I haven’t been out to visit him in Montana in nearly twenty years, but still... I had no idea it was like that out there. That’s fucking scary.

So... not bothering to clean my house is actually making my kids stronger? Alright, justified! Now I just have to get my mother-in-law on board with this plan...

At this point, Marvel Cinematic Universe is still representing their heroes exactly as they are in the comics (the most well-known iteration, that is). Tony Stark was a white guy with a goatee in the comics, so he is on the screen to make it easier to recognize him. Steven Strange was a white guy on the page and

I’m not sure what you mean - are you referring to bookstores in general, or specifically to books that I took home from a feline-occupied store? Honestly, I guess it doesn’t matter either way since I’ve never noticed an allergic issue with a book. Or at least, if I did have a reaction I’m pretty good at covering it up

I discovered something interesting about allergies, but I don’t know if it’s a common occurrence or if it is uniquely personal. Over the course of a year, I acclimated myself to one specific cat and eventually stopped having any allergic reactions to him. It did not, however, make things any easier for me around

I have extremely mixed feelings about bookstore cats, for the following reasons: I love cats but am simultaneously deathly allergic to them, and bookstores are probably my favorite places on the planet to spend time in. So I have no malice or blame toward the cat who may live in a bookstore and park his furry butt on

I don’t mean to make light of this, since it is indeed a very serious issue, but... I misread your sentence as “a surge of violence against MOGWAI people” and I was like