
Now I want to figure out some way to work “a morass of pre-instantly overanalyzed implications” into a conversation somehow. I have a feeling that no matter how I went about it, though, that I would get smacked in the face. Which is, let’s be honest, the only appropriate response to hearing that phrase.

Allow me to commend you on your Herculean effort to unpack that one sentence. Yeah. Let me repeat that. ONE. SENTENCE.

Yup. Trump is going to be the new baseline for expectations of what a President is and what he can get away with. Most of us assumed that his particular brand of insanity and bullshit was a dealbreaker for the Highest Office In The Land, but we were woefully proven wrong. So his fringe-extremist craziness gets

Uh... so sorry to break this to you, but... you know that’s not how a nuclear war would work, right? The major cities would be the first to go, and the rural states would possibly be the only people left to survive.

I appreciate you filling in your further thoughts on your point. I understand where you are coming from, even if I don’t entirely agree with you.

I know this is utterly secondary to your point, and I apologize in advance for derailing the conversation (so I’ll make it brief). Your idea that every female character in The Dresden Files is: A. a seductress, B. a damsel in distress, or C. a ball-buster; is utter bullshit. Lara Raith is definitely A. but that’s

If you were to travel back to 2012 and tell me that I would be desperately wishing for Romney to be president in 4 short years, I’d tell you to gent bent. What a strange year it has been...

“Palatable” is awfully faint praise, but I hear what you are saying.

When everyone kept going on about how we are “living in the darkest timeline” after the election, I insisted that we are living in the second darkest timeline. President Ted Cruz would be the darkest timeline.

Leaving us with President Pence? Nah. Keep going with that hypothetical scenario (although I’m not sure how far you’ll have to go, since just about everyone so far in the new line of succession is deplorable).

Decades of right-wing propaganda, dialed up to 11 in the past few months. It’s coming out now (now that it’s too late, naturally) just how much biased “reporting” and how many fake news stories were circulating before the election. For some people, that was all they knew. If your only source of news is Fox and/or

A lot of conservatives have been complaining lately that they are tired of being painted as all racists just because a few of them genuinely are. And yet, they are totally fine with being mistrustful of all Muslims just because a tiny portion of them happen to be radicalized lunatics. Trust, and respect, need to go

I don’t want to rip on St. Cloud, since it’s a nice little town and all, but the difference in attitudes between residents of the Twin Cities and residents of outlying areas is pretty stark. As is probably the case with most (if not all) major cities in the U.S.

Speaking as someone who lives in Minneapolis (the highest population of Somalis in the entire US) I want to back up your statement 100%. I have friends and co-workers who are Somali (and Ethiopian, and Eritrean as well). Somalis are just regular folks, in my experience. They want what everyone else wants - to go home

A very good point. Right-wingers have used abortion as a wedge issue for decades to motivate the masses to get out and vote, and they stick with it because it works. If they actually overturned it, what would they turn to next? Oppressing women, minorities, and the poor just doesn’t sell quite as well if they can’t

To be fair, a Ted Cruz Presidency would actually be the darkest timeline. We are merely the second-darkest timeline.

The church that I voted at is also a pokestop. I was in and out so quickly that it barely had time to reset so I could hit it on the way back out again.

Go on...

Let me guess, she frequently uses the word “sheeple”?

Did they change it? I thought it was November 35th?