
We call it “pop” in Minnesota because we are suspicious that the word “soda” is mocking the end of our state’s name. Minne-soda, get it?

Holy shit dude, that could have gone very badly! I was actually close friends with a kid in High School (I wouldn’t call him my best friend, since he was kind of a dick) who made a bet with another one of our friends whether you could look down the barrel of a gun to see if it was loaded. So they went out to his

I’ve got a story from my daughter’s one-year-old birthday party. When kids are 5 or 6 years old, a birthday party is all about Curious George or My Little Pony or some shit, but a 1-year-old party is mainly for the adults. I was sipping on a beer and holding my little girl, and she tried to grab my bottle. I thought

I didn’t mean to imply that ALL K-pop groups fade away after a few years, there are obviously exceptions (which is why I mentioned Shinhwa the “longevity group”). Bigbang is also very exceptional, one of the few K-pop groups that have a significant following in the Western world. But the fact still remains that most

Agreed. 2NE1 has released Japanese-language versions of their albums in the past to cater to that market, so until and unless we see an English-language version of an album (or a brand new album that is all or mostly English) then I’m not considering it a proper attempt to break into the American market. And the

Be fair here. Shrayber and ROYGBIV have nothing to do with editorial-level decisions made by Gawker as a whole.

1) Try this: type “IRS targeted conservative groups debunked” into Google and then read any one of the dozen or more articles that come up.

The person that makes me coffee is The Best Person On Earth right at that moment. I am always polite, friendly, and patient at a coffee shop because I know that no matter how shitty my day has been up to that point, it is about to get (at least a little bit) better. The phrases I use most often at a coffee shop are

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That reminds me of one of the most fucking awkward moments of my adult life. I was hanging out with my (now ex-) girlfriend's mother Sarah, who I had a decent friendship with. The two of us were watching an old episode of the Simpsons, in which Homer is explaining to Moe that Lisa is a vegetarian. Moe is so repulsed

At 3:57 on the video, dark blue jacket with no tie.

I completely agree with you, it is that "certain segment of the population" which fucking terrifies me.

I know it's a quality that is practically required to be a politician, but Bachmann really is the master of answering a question without actually providing anything close to an actual answer. Listen to an interview with her sometime, it's really amazing the verbal pretzels she needs to tie herself into to warp and

Sarah Palin's political career ended five years ago, and it was far from the end of her. Batshit Bachmann will be around as a cable news talking-head for years to come, no worries.

Apparently Batshit Bachmann is more popular in other parts of the country than she is here at home. My Mom told me a story a few years ago that happened to her while she was travelling (I think it was in Arizona, but it may have been New England). She met a nice young couple somewhere and started chatting with them.

My preferred term for these kinds of people is "Anti-Christians". Not worshippers of the Antichrist, obviously, those would be Satanists I suppose. I simply apply the term to people who claim to be Christians, but in their lives and their words actually get just about everything that Jesus preached backwards.

Actually, no. It's more of a "clinical reference" kind of a term. She's not much of a talker *during* unless she's suuuuuuuper drunk.

My wife sometimes refers to that whole area as her "ladybits".

I'm absolutely seconding your observation about the pacing. It nearly killed my interest several times, but I managed to keep coming back. I usually binge-watch entire seasons of a show at once, but by happenstance I watched AoT every week as it was released, which I think was the saving grace that allowed me to make

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"You meddlesome hussy! Do not touch the sacrifices!"

Not exactly the same thing, since we ended up having the baby instead of aborting (this time), but before we knew the sex of the baby we couldn't give it a proper name but still had to refer to it in some way. It began as "Ziggy" the zygote, and eventually graduated to "Cletus" the fetus.