Harry Potter's 11" Wand

Been there. Three years later no more rubber rooms, or even need for psych meds. No judgment about taking meds- just letting you know healing is possible.

Well well, Kanye and I have something in common. I’m also being admitted to hospital this afternoon for my own ‘health and safety’. I have a feeling he will be getting a nicer room and better food than me.

Then sue twitter for deseminating classified info.

I know that Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, is a maniacal warlord bent on interplanetary galactic domination through genocide and oppression, who rules through fear and intimidation, and whose plans include the destruction of entire planets. 

And apparently when the president of Argentina called to congratulate him, he asked him to help push through with the permits on a building project of his there.

He’ll be briefed on some crazy shit like aliens

As a resident of NJ, the answer is no. Last year when he was on his FAILED (lol) campaign, we had a frigging blizzard here. When asked by reporters why he didn’t come back to, you know, govern the state he snidely responded, “What am I supposed to do, shovel snow?”

That’s a good question.

Do you even have to live in Jersey to be governor? I might run....

Does Christie ever do like ... his actual job of governing New Jersey?

Things I learned last night:

To be fair, this whole series of events has been one unending nightmare.

No. This gap-toothed, shitbrained, fuckfaced, semi-sentient bag of medical waste is a Congressman out of Texas.

Yeah— most people steered clear of protesting rallies, but all bets are off now. There will definitely be marches and protests planned around this fucking victory tour.

If you would’ve watched the freaking video you’d see it was from Ireland, and what city is in a single person’s ID shouldn’t mean you dismiss the point they’re trying to get across.

OMG I’m sharing this with everyone I know. That was incredible.

He is the only person who has made sense to this American all day today.

Wow! Everyone should watch this video.

Now playing

Just wow, the US can never call itself the leader of free world . I am getting mad at a lot of politicians who are downplaying how fucked up this is, you guys have elected a fascist.

Taking notes and planning the revolution, I hope.