Harry Potter's 11" Wand

I feel you. I work in law enforcement, and before the election I defended my Trump-supporting coworkers because they’re decent guys, you know? They’re just supporting him because the union says they should, that’s all.

Actually, I am currently off the sauce. I want to stay sharp. I need to keep my wits about me while schooling pro-Trump, anti-protesters on Facebook. It’s open season on fascists.

Hey, wait a minute, “Fix Your Ugly Souls First” sounds like a grand idea for a magazine article!

I so hear you. I write about rich people for a magazine and do not think I can handle doing this month’s piece on beauty tips for the wealthy and conservative. I just can’t. FIX YOUR UGLY SOULS FIRST.

Same. I worked from home on Tuesday, which consisted of drinking wine, until the results started coming in and I switched to whiskey. Finished the whiskey Wednesday morning, which I had already requested off. Thursday I was too hungover and depressed, so I took that off, and today I made it in, but I was in a bad way,

I couldn’t drink either...I cried and took heavy anti-anxiety pills. And now I’m in the anger/action part. I will not take this shit lying down.

Can you cook for me? I honestly am tired of eating out and hate shopping/cooking for myself.

I mean, urine IS sterile.

Thank you for writing this because I haven’t had the desire to since I heard the news. I was starting to think something was actually wrong with me.

My kid is obsessed with anything scary (he’s 7) and I HATE it. We don’t watch scary movies, we don’t tell spooky stories, I have actually really made a point to avoid all things monsters because he has nightmares and won’t sleep alone. But I feel like he’s this type of kid and it bothers me so much. :-(

Next year they’ll be choosing a president.

“12 years old were accused of stabbing their classmate Payton Leutner 19 times to appease a legendary figure (by way of meme) known as the Slender Man

Hey, when I was about 12 my stepdad shot my dog. Can we talk about that, too?

Don’t forget white parents who vote for sociopaths.

I fucking hope not because honestly I can’t decide which one of them is worse.


My coworker’s daughter is out protesting in Seattle. The girl voted for Stein. She should be home hanging her head in shame.

Great. Thanks for all the millennial enthusiasm after the buzzer. I’ll think about how great these protests were after Roe v. Wade is overturned and I lose the right to healthcare with my pre-existing condition.

Trump is Professor Quirrel and Pence is the Voldemort tumor growing out of the back of his head. The guy is a full-blown nutjob that makes Ted Cruz look reasonable. 

Either he will buckle under the weight of his incompetence and look to them to dictate policy, or his massive ego will force him to stick to his guns and muddle through.