Harry Potter's 11" Wand

Racist frogs don’t want women to vote. 2016 is fucked.

Hey guys, I’m starting to think that this Trump guy might not respect women.

I would be surprised if the real number isn’t in the hundreds.

The women who came forward are SO FRICKING BRAVE.

how can i buy this for my kid?

Something, something pussies, zzzzzzzz

No one cares about anything you have to say. Please go back to sleep.

To be fair they tried to give him a double-breasked jacket but he couldn’t stop laughing, grabbing at the air, and making honking noises.

When the story first broke and they were bleeping everything, my mother called me to ask what all the bleeped out words were, since she doesn’t use the internet. It was a milestone in our relationship, me talking to her about pussies and ass and tits. Proud mother-daughter moment. 

Clinton: Hi, I’m Bill Clinton.
Bone: Ken Bone.
Clinton: I sure can!

well - his name is Ken Bone. that is gold.

I can’t wait for the dramatic reenactment of him splitting his pants and deciding to go with the red sweater instead.

The moment I decided he was a douche canoe:

Ken Bone has a great Twitter account:

Ken Bone, the undisputed winner of last night’s debate

They didn’t even coordinate colors with her!!

I’m stealing this, bud. But I’m warning you first, I’m not just gonna grab it.

Is that Barb from Stranger Things at the end of the row?

Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.

I personally wish I was at the diner where pence was when he found out. It was apparently so bad that his staffers had to clear the press pool from the restaurant.