I am no supermodel, but I sincerely feel that my breasts look much, much better than hers.
I am no supermodel, but I sincerely feel that my breasts look much, much better than hers.
Thank heavens I am NOT Rick Santorum's daughter. I just can't fathom being raped, becoming pregnant, AND having to raise the result of the attack. Nip it in the bud so you can go after the attacker. NIP IT.
Also— if Jezebel would do open threads for when Revenge is on... I would be all over that shitttt.
I love Tyler! He is deliciously evil and with the right meds, so amazing. Actually what am I saying he is glorious when off the meds too. Maybe Tyler's brother from San Francisco can come with him! They need doctors in the Hamptons, too.
I don't think this is a bad idea. I would have appreciated a make-up lesson back in those days. Was it a mandatory class though? I feel like if it was done on a voluntary basis, then fabulous.
I've been mildly following this Kardashian story and looked up the Old Navy model she's throwing her tantrum at. GIRL PLEASE. The Old Navy model is actually talented. You should feel so lucky to be mistaken for her, Kim.
Thankfully I have not had to deal with such advice, though a friend of mine got that from her mother, and she is engaged to be married to someone "safe".
What is it with NASA and love triangles? At least this one didn't involve adult diapers.
Haha! That is true. I'm ashamed to admit that I know this as well... I absorb most of my Kardashian knowledge from reading the Jez (except that time I watched both days of the wedding special).
Oh wow. Thank you for that visual... now I understand.
Between the woman with cancer who had to watch her husband kill her family and this... I give up. Also, why is alcohol served at Chuck E. Cheese?
Favorite line from Gervais: "The Golden Globes are to the Oscars what Kim Kardashian is to Kate Middleton…a bit louder, a bit drunker and more easily bought."
How is this any different than only dating models? You're going after a certain look with the assumptions that it comes with the stereotypical personal qualities. Fat girls might have "egos" (whatever that means) just like skinny girls might be boring in bed. That kid reeks of douche.
one of my best friends is a PCV in Togo right now. here is her blog: itsalovelysmallworld.blogspot.com
oh that is made of win.
It's not the dress that grates me. I like the dress. It's her mannerisms... even when they announced her nomination during the awards she did this coy "oh what me? not little old me!" type look. I just want her to OWN IT. The cute act is lost on me.
Virtual hug!
double post! I love kittens.
Muuuuch better.
Ha! I love it!