
I wasn’t brought up that way either. Didn’t have much of a choice about opting in to the “lifestyle”, tho. :/

Ok, so I had a bunch of white people telling me how minorities should vote for Bernie because he’s obviously so good for us and why can’t we just realise that??!!

I can get behind Daario. But Jorah is too nice guy of OKCupid for me. Every time he’s on screen I’m all:


I have no problem with this change, not because of yoga generally, but specifically due to the combination of Namaste-hands to heart; and coloring of a mandala. Both are explicit religious gestures/symbols, comparable to a Sign of the Cross and coloring in the Holy Cross. Which I assume most people who for some reason

Here’s how I relieve tension every morning by being mindful.

Apparently, there is a whole lot more to than this. The yoga teachers tell the kids they are spiritual healers, tall them about what special crystals they have to wear and shit like that. Apparently the vice principal owns a crystal shop and describes herself as a crystal salesperson who is a vice principal on the

I just called to say I love you.

There’s no statute of limitations on being an asshole. I haven’t been one to you, but clearly you have been to a great many people, which now include me as well.