
$20kof that $30k is in engineering the T Shirts to go with the bikes.

I can see a future of gigantic adapters and dongles and huge charging cables to allow for every manufacturers charging system. You think lightening and USB-c is bad? Oh yeah, and the cost of these things? A little Apple plug is $20, Fords will cost $200.

I have come to the realization that these guys hate themselves. That is why they overcompensate SO DAMN MUCH ALL THE TIME, but refuse to admit it or their anger. Notice they are usually only “tough” when they have their buddies with them, or a giant truck to hide in.

No mileage listed means it’s way too much. I want it, but don’t trust them one bit. This is from a dealer in Colorado in winter, definitely a scam.

Could and should need to be swapped.

For that money give me a Benz 4x4 squared.

You eat corn with pizza. 

Is there a frunk? 

Jason, do you write all these recomendations just to spite us now?

They must have promoted the guy who did the Camaro nose. 


The rear door looks awkwardly 

Isn’t it low on horsepower compared to everything else? And isn’t it going to be crazy heavy? 

It’s only $6500 so you’ll have plenty of money left to......

I’m fine with that on certain roads. Who really wants to drive in rush hour traffic anyways? The cities are clogged because we’re idiots and jerks more than we need bigger or more roads. 

This. This! THIS! WTF? I’ve known two people who do that. Tap the gas just enough to feel it for no reason, randomly, yet all the damn time. Long trips on the flat straight empty interstate were the worst. SET THE DAMN CRUISE FOOL.! 

I will gladly drag them through the rocky mountains in search of Sasquatch if they provide the Porsche. When that fails we can go to South America and look for the chupacabra.

You sound like the bro who thinks he is an MMA fighter because he bought tapout shorts.

That’s my point, people don’t know they need it. You have to build it and market it to them. How many Jeep owners need a Jeep. 

I like the 5 as a coupe, it loses so much as a convertible.