Maybe the new Holden Ute?
Maybe the new Holden Ute?
Are you eligible for COTD?
But what if it goes like stink?
By realizing that if she would date me when I had a busted baby blue Geo Tracker she was cool in my book. She was hot, it wasn’t, and she didn’t mind at all. Convertible kind of made up for it. Jumping shit with it did too. Man did I use every bit of that car. Poor thing. So much fun. The girl ended up being ok but…
You misspelled America and I feel ya. ;)
OMG. Ignorance is no excuse.
I think he’s trying to say the self doesn’t exist and we are overemphasizing ourselves. Maybe. For you to sit in judgement of him makes you small minded. You just a rookie.
He makes sense to me. Shame everyone is calling him weird. I think the right word is courageous.
I can imagine a small business owner who has to do bulky but light deliveries, this type of truck would be ideal. Might as well have fun with your tax write off while you work.
This needs to be AWD to put that power down.
This guy will get hated on just like the guy who drove his can am in the pool for the same reason. People who can’t do shit will always talk shit about people who can.
I unabashedly loved that and am a little jealous. Haters gonna hate. That shit looks fun.
Every time I saw someone do a stoppie on a motorcycle I’d be all like:
My Hondas grill just forwarded Ted Cruz porn. ;)
Bad ass. Finally a concept we can dream to afford if they actually built it. You can throw away a lot of the “concept”, just keep the shape, wheels, AND THE BENCH SEATS!!!!!
He deserves a pardon.
*nose first.
It doesn’t look like a 1000HP super car. It kinda looks like a home made web design that almost looks like MB did it.
Why don’t they refine that frame and drivetrain a little and lighten it, and then build a more isolated and luxurious truck body to go on top of it. Air ride seats are the coolest anyways. It should ride rough, you shouldn’t. Don’t lose the bad ass of the truck. Please.