
The Mazda direct injection compression ignition rotary sparkless laser engine. Why not ?

Exposed interior metal, haven’t seen that in awhile.

What’s verrit ?

I recommend a full removal of the comment of the day and a retraction printed. That’s nasty. In the front? Now I’m scared it’s an old washed out blood stain. Ewwww.

Read the article. Interesting. MAYBE, if the Trumps were consistently laundering money for the Russians, that would count as RICO, correct? I know I’m probably wrong.

I’ll ask, wtf does RICO stand for?

Two years from now they’ll be turning record profits and demanding less “regulations” so they can steal more.

Now your just trolling.

You see the swastika in some native American art too.

I’m starting to think that if they can explain their bullshit with out of context logic and big words they think it’s not racism, it’s just history.

As a current grown ass adult with some actual and relevant experience under my belt I take note of your comment and submit the following:

Jumping out in a corner would throw you toward incoming traffic.

The Wagoneer is hard to argue with.

Call me the crazy cat lady, but I believe I can negotiate with the cat. Sometimes.

This reminds me of when BMW did the “cruiser” motorcycle, you know the ugly Tom cruise gets on a fight with one (really?) in mission impossible #whocares. They just miss styling wise. AIRBALL. The bolt looks better, what does that say?

The owners of these always creeped me out, because I thought the only reason you would buy one of these was if you were trying to hide and or stalk someone. Talk about the ford tuarus of minivans, just so much meh everywhere.

That’s not hooning. That’s amateur hour, and the reason everyone hates keeps in the first place. The owners “think” that’s “cool”.

That’s pretty awesome. Nice to see he wasnt treated like a foreign invader.

Yes, and Subaru can reimagine the Brat and Suzuki can reimagine the Samurai and I will be happy.

Audi adds numbers to their badges because BMW has them.