
Are you going to put a front mid engine question on Jalopnik job applications moving forward?

Which staff member would be the last one standing in an office brawl?

Is watching Doug Demuro videos while reading Jalopnik like a freaky incest three way?

The players liked him. The players supported him. The coaches supported him. It was the people in the offices who didn’t like him. It was the people who are in the offices that ran the team ito the dirt. They should be looking for jobs, not him. The majority of the players in the whole league supported him.

I read all the comments. And commented on a few. I don’t know if you’re racist. But you’re an unhappy person. And you project that onto other people. That’s why you don’t like him. Because you can’t find happiness in your own life. The truth is he’s not doing anything that affects you whatsoever. But you have to make

So you’re saying if you want to play in the NFL you have to give up your rights as an American?

I think what makes me the saddest is youll leave this conversation feeling better about yourself. That explains where were at as a country right now. Fuck.

Don’t Americans have the right to protest?

Your just an asshole too and both of you have found enough similar assholes on the internet that you tell each other it’s ok. I’m an asshole, but your an asshole and your wrong.

He was voted team captain that year and won the award the players vote on as a team. He made amazing grades in college and was well within his rights as an american. I have one big question for you. Trumps tweets, good or bad?

They never admit their racist. They just say and do everything racist and then deny.

Weight distribution will affect dive, squat and traction also. You also have to remember that the only people who care where the engine is are car aficionados. For most people who drive well under the limit (almost everybody) most of this doesn’t matter, with today’s electronic driving aids it matters even less. So it

that is just so silly I think your trolling. Your right until you put those barrels in motion around a corner.

It “feels” like the weight is placed on me.

Here is why I believe it matters:

It makes sense when you see the cutout, like its right at your hand!

Using their methodology, you could get rid of mid engine altogether, it’s either front or rear. Why would you differentiate from a Porsche or lambo layout if you wouldn’t between an Corvette and a Audi A4 layout.

Basically. And that’s why we can’t have nice small things ;)