
These aren’t known for being tippy, their known for being super capable off road, lifted or not. A magazine got sued over a story about it and had to retract. Google it.

I’m assuming they used the front end structure from an existing platform to share costs and that’s why it looks that way.

That seems silly. I used to live there and if I still did I would want you to take them out altogether so they would Bomb the liberal cities before they shot at the silos. But I live in the city now so I guess who cares, were all gonna die anyways. Americans hate each other so much we will tear it apart ourselves

Came here to say a dumber version of that. Also, it seemed you could get away with less Tridents, since they are so much more capable, and the enemy could be deceived to not know which silos were tridents and which slios sat empty. This would drive cost down more.

My guess is one of the passengers said “you know I won’t lie if they ask me” and he recanted.

I have never wanted a side by side more than now. Yay summer.

This would be at least a “b” drivers car if you lived on dirt roads. It would be an “A” if it could get out of its own way.

Not one convertible recommended? The guy lives in Colorado Springs, let’s road trip from the Springs to 11 mile state park, one way in a coupe, one way in a convertible. That state is made for a convertible! I live a little north of the Springs. Here’s your answer (and mine):

That’s what it should have had in the first place

I would like to see you take out one with the 400+ HP engine and 6 speed, off road to see if it was at least kind of worth a shit then, the interior got better too.

My god, is everyone blind? The table she shows to refute her coke habit - IS A DIFFERENT TABLE! It is obvious. In the first pic we see a counter with a trim piece in front of it and the “candy/marble grain/cocaine” is angling TOWARD the edge. In the second pic no trim piece and the “white stuff” is angling away. I

I don’t think they let me in the door of offices like that.

Then you want the Porsche design tube amplifier with the tubes in a “boxer” configuration. Just kidding, but that would be kinda cool.

He ain’t wrong Jason.....

That makes the Porsche look like a stylish bargain, maybe that’s the Porsche sales pitch. For when you wanna be a douche poser, because but not so obvious and Italian about it. Then you can be all smug “oh thaaaaat, it’s aaaaaactually a 911 exhaust piece yada yada bluetooth yada yada Porsche design yada yada.”


Corporations get more and more rights and people get less and less. This will not end well.

This is the one time when Miata is definitely the answer. She can get one from dirt cheap to as much as she wants to spend, it will get serviced at the same place as her other Mazda (which she keeps), tons of aftermarket if she wants to go faster, or look cooler, etc. Japanese reliability, good MPG, and the dog would