
She probably doesn't care. If I were her I wouldn't be too shy either.

Why can't we have covers like this in the "good ol" USA? She looks beautiful and if naked bodies were more of a norm here this wouldn't be a big deal.

looks like number 4 has two questions in it. Still confusing as fuck though.


Nice! I actually had brought in a picture of Ciara and Beyonce to show my stylist for inspiration.

You must be in the same group of people who think her daughter's hair is too "nappy."

"why can't black women artificially dye their hair blonde too, white women dont have the monopoly on fake blonde hair. "

haha my bad I missed that :)

Sigh. All of these issues have been addressed on Jezebel numerous times. They are a non issue, and have nothing to do with her being a feminist. Not your type of feminist but you'll have to get over that.

It's not being beautiful that's difficult it's trying to obtain that level of beautiful that is not within everyone's reach.

"Don't tell us it's not worth anything when you have a bunch of it and it's served you so well."

I don't like it either. It makes my skin look aged and the color ends up looking more orange on me than anything. I definitely think it's a foundation that is better suited for the fairer skin ladies. I still have a lot left from when I bought the kit and I pretty much only use it on my oily days when i don't feel

I agree it doesn't compute. I guess I don't get offended because it's the entertainment industry, it hasn't changed much when it comes to aesthetic beauty and I don't see it changing anytime soon (we humans love beauty) but it does make me happy that the words are there, although actions do speak louder than words. I

In the song he's talking about Cleopatra, Marilyn, and Joan of Arc, all powerful intelligent women that we admire today. He's saying he wants a different type of girl, a strong and smart girl. The pretty girls in the video are just for visual purposes.

How do you know none of these girls are over 25? I get told I look 16 all the time and I'm not.

They're dancers, who tend to be athletic, who tend to be skinny.

I thought this song was genius. Marketing wise at least. and I kind of love the song, It's catchy.

but clowns are still fucking creepy.

"If you make a big deal about swear words, they will just be more powerful for your kids."

haha seriously, There's nothing more bad ass than a big sophisticated word followed by a FUCK.