
I know right, and then when Vogue confirmed that they had no scheduled shoots with Terry now or in the future it was very obvious this was bullshit.

He's always had plausible deniability though because nothing that has surfaced about him has been proven or found to be true in any way. Sure he's a creep and we can hate him for that but until we have evidence that's legit then I am not going to condemn the man. Innocent until proven guilty guys, it's a thing for a

Seriously, it would not be that easy.

Oooh, you don't say?

silk? cotton? we need more details!

A sophisticated hand job goes like this: touch penis, put in mouth.

I know right! So chic.

My barbies should have been in a Telenovela, so much scandal.

I'm really hoping that this will be like the Lego movie!

haha good point I guess I meant racially.

Wow this is the most diverse set of barbies I have ever seen. Just beautiful.

hey hey leggings are pants to me :) I feel if you have the body for them which we all know Beyonce does then they can definitely be considered pants. I think a big part of it is that these pant less outfits are her performing outfits, which we have to remember that when she's performing she is a persona, not her

Eloping was the best decision we made regarding the wedding stuff. Planning was starting to stress me out so I said fuck it let's go to Vegas and that's what we did. It was just the two of us which was perfect and cheap.

and after you spend all that money they still expect a gift, jeez.

What does looking black even mean? That is the most ridiculous non sense I've ever seen. Every black person does not look the same, every black person does not aspire to be the same. FUCK.

It's progress for America because she is a woman. One step at a time ;)

weight has a lot to do with it. The more I lose weight the more of a a gap I get. Some people just have trouble losing weight in the thighs, when you're muscular in the legs like Beyonce then that's not really an issue.

Here's Beyonce in a skirt

It's all like " HELLO KITTY HELLO KITTY SO CUTE, insert Japanese" It's horrible and I'm happy that it's finally out of my head.

They didn't. Those are her thighs, she's lost weight, get over it.