Do people here not realize that our entire economy, our way of life is based on petroleum production?
Do people here not realize that our entire economy, our way of life is based on petroleum production?
All of the international socialists involved in the world wide “Green” movement have clearly stated that they intend to end car ownership and travel for “the people.”
This is exactly what I’m looking for.. Bring it to the US for 20K and I’m buying two!
Never has a person made so much out of so little.
+1 for the correct term.
“People with straight hair (either by birth or blow-dryer) mistake it as a kind of statement — a mark of blustery confidence and bold individuality — or, worse, as careless and sloppy, a sign that you’re lazy or stubborn.”
If you think your little “olive” skinned, flat-nosed, coarse haired sister is German Swedish, and that young Marge’s kinky hair and swarthy complexion are 100% straight Irish...
The dude is the richest man in the fucking world. He’d slay top-notch booty if he was a eunuch.
Over one million ethnic Uighurs are currently imprisoned in Communist China. Their crime? Practicing their centuries old culture and religion.
Your old lady rocks a Vette. Get whatever the fuck you want that you can afford. What’s the crisis?
Bartenders who steer lonely, tipsy chicks, with low self esteem my way, get big tips.
Just do what normal, less introspective, non-overly self esteemed cooks do: Use Tomato Puree.
MORE lowrider posts please!
Right ON! Fuck the haters!
Your best choice in this case, would be to buy American:
How to keep a “Hot Wheels” movie from sucking?
I’m sure that there have been studies about athletes prone to injury. Some guys just seem to get hurt often, others, never.
Scrolling through, waiting for the NA meeting to start.
I strangled a Starbucks barrista once, but not to death.