Cars only fun if not in garage getting a new wiring harness.
Cars only fun if not in garage getting a new wiring harness.
60% of the time, they qualify every time.
Ever go “junkin’” on the money side of town? Those Richie Riches throw out perfectly good shit. Furniture, appliances... You wouldn’t believe the brand new stuff they just get tired of and put out on the street.
I talked to the guy, he said everything’s great, no issues at all. Just has one too many cars...
60's era Alfas hold up as well as any other marque from that time.
Or. You could be like me. Stone sane, poor, and why the fuck would I ever eat at a giant corporate chain when I can choose from literally a dozen authentic, high quality Mexican food trucks and stands.
Yes, yes... I know. Kinja edits suck.
An “Alfa,” not the Alpha.
How do you expect to weed out the weaklings and fatbodies without gym class?
No time to watch videos. How about pictures of the winner, and some other nice ones, and a little copy.
“But I also want to know what’s wrong with it”
Just shows that these Bozos are artistically vapid. And dumb.
Nope. I didn’t. Their design, though old, is still highly desireable. The new engines have been spot on reliable for years now, and the only hiccup in their model line-up is the lack of legit lower priced entry models...
Yeah, this one is totally on Torts. He’s an old school coach, and his methods grate on the newest generation of pampered stars...
Fuck the latest reincarnation of the “Craft Beer Movement” for taking an ancient and quite common practice, and ruining it with overly hopped, ridiculous, hipster stunt brews, stupid brewpub “concepts” and stratospheric pricing.
There are three key barriers to Harley ownership.
“called the Engelberg Tourer.”
Sorry bruh, but you outta you G-D mind!
The name of this feature should be changed from “NPOCP” to “Nice Price Or Outa They G-D Minds On All Manner Of Crazy Ass Narcotics, Tribal Herbs, and dangerously stupid expectations.”
If by “best interests,” you mean cramming the American people full of high fructose corn syrup while they wait for transexual junkies to finish shooting up in the bathroom, then: Yes!