Lemongrab Grabby

i love them!! "firrrre" "this shit's dope" "here's the drop, the drop is here"

did you read the soundcloud comments?? the fuck you getting yr numbers from??

i think ben and leslie are hella cute. besides the things they do (SCAVENGER HUNT OMG <3) their nerdiness is very different but complimentary.

don't like the red flaps on Capaldi's jacket in some of this season. gives me some weird vampire vibes.

they couldn't use the tardis because of the storm, not the bank. the tardis could go into the bank at any point other than the storm, but they needed the storm to break into the vault.

i think it did though. characterization is nice and all but for me it doesn't make sense there. that the teller detects guilt about bank related crimes is vital to the plot, that's why they erased their minds in the first place. trying to explore the doctor's emotions during that scene would be messy and complicate

can i ask why?? for me it was like watching the result if you asked a kid in a sandbox to write a story and then through all the production at it. seriously, dinosaurs?? on a spaceship??!

ahh you're definitely right, i just rewatched that bit. still though, the fuck does the teller care about that??

i thought they were cute!! little cacti asses :D


i did not for a moment assumed they died from those things. i was trying to figure out why there were 6 of em though.

welp, i found figured out like 10 seconds before the Doctor announced it so i feel a bit silly

is Capaldi's eyebrows his bowtie so to speak??

did anyone else wonder about how she has sex??

wait is that how people feel about dinosaurs on a space ship?? i rate it on the same level as curse of the black spot…

imma just take the space up here to mention that at the end of The Day of the Doctor it's stated that none of the doctor's would remember the outcome. so it really couldn't deal with the doctor's lack of guilt. and the Teller wouldn't care about his actual guilt over killing his whole race because it has no criminal

plus he somehow got both earl sweatshirt and zach braff holding a chicken to guest star

did anyone else think that the british pronounciation of "Orson" sounded a fair bit like "awesome??" I was confused why they decided to name a character Captain Awesome Pink for a minute

great episode, i always have a soft spot for the spookier story lines

I hate Chevy Chase more than season 4 so I'm probably right there with you.