Lemongrab Grabby

I honestly think that Abed's double date / Sophie B Hawkins episode was on par with almost any other episode from Harmon-lead seasons. Everything else was just off in certain ways.

question. why does everyone hate season 3 so much?? i was bored out of my mind during season 1 and everyone acts like the shows been in a slide since when i think it's only gotten proggressively better.

Chandelier by Sia. From "party girls don't get hurt" to the catchy ass chorus and the amazing video with the demon child dancing, it's got enough to make me choose it over "Big Girls Cry" just for the name.

lol right now i'm rocking a 5 year old HTC with a physical qwerty and i'm longing for swipe. the phone doesn't have spellcheck and i'm piss poor at spelling. i loved just making vague scribbles and having the exact word pop up with swipe.

leave your stupid comments in your pocket!

well on one hand, you can do whatever the fuck you want. on the other, you disgust me. sorry sorry, i'll be fine, do you at least use the word prediction??

i mean on top of that though the homescreen customization options of iOS are pitiful compared to android. the simple fact that you can choose your favorite launcher alone is wonderful, but with widgets and icon options as well, each android can look spectacularly different while each iphone is distinguished by what

okay but android has swipe. who wants to type 1 letter at a time like a savage??

lol total linux fanboy here. allows for ridiculous customization, control over every little detail, free everything and uses less resources at the expense of constantly breaking down and having to learn a shit ton of computer thingies. macs are nice because you have a unix like base but with a easy user interface,

i can get why people get macs over PCs. i will never understand why someone would choose an iphone over android.

clone high. will and grace could only be so gay after all.

i'm very curious as to what the objective of that game would be??

well you've obviously never played it. nothing about it makes sense. read some "joey joke cards" and tell me you're not baffled.

YES THOSE ARE THE WORST!! my girlfriend and i gave up playing half-way through and just forced laughter at each joke card in the deck until we hated ourselves and everything.

i've seen very little of this show, but it uses a bunch of Dashboard Confessional for the soundtrack right?? i remember the episodes i've seen very fondly because of that.

I still have a Full House board game. It's awful. Not sure how it escaped this list.

like for real, the season 8 premiere review called "cold war" the first clara episode :l

Whenever “Robot Of Sherwood” works, Clara is usually involved: Whoever thought I’d be writing that this time last year?

how can you not?? they drank pbr before it was ironic.

there's good irish bands but the irish don't listen to them. that's what american hipsters are for.