
Rest In Peace, JesusMonroe.

Yeah I had a delay, too.

When a person hates Debra and, more importantly, loves Hannah I sort of wish they'd lead with that information.

Well ok, but can the second voice be Patrick Warburton's?

Who is driving?

The true crime writer who suspected Dexter's soon to be girlfriend of murders was murde-oh, sorry, died suddenly of an inexplicable heart-attack in Dexter's apartment.

Whenever I see someone express a positive opinion of anything involving Hannah I experience a desperate need to intervene and explain how this terrible, terrible outlook will lead to ruin.

I feel like I knew right off the bat what I was getting into with this episode.

Like everything else, the scene between Hannah and Debra was stupid.

Dexter's dying imagination sure has a lot of weird unnecessary subplots in it.

By process of elimination Dexter's antagonist this season must be the Doorman at Club Coral.

She may be a plague, but at this point the host is practically a corpse.

*sip* Ok there's WAY too much brown sugar in this coffee…*thinks* *gasps*

I'd remind you how she escaped custody but your brain forgot for a reason.


Even Hannah, unfortunately.