
It's not possible for everyone, but it's possible to maintain a platonic relationship with someone after bringing romance or sex into the equation. My best friend is still my best friend even after he rejected me. My once friends-with-benefits is now a platonic friend. I'm still good friends with several guys I've

Good catch on the name!

Very true.

Yeah, she probably was interested in him first, but assumed it wasn't reciprocated.

Honesty always helps, because most people are bad fakers and people can tell what they're trying to pull. The friend zone BS can ruin what could have been a relationship, because no one likes people with ulterior motives, all else being equal.

Stupid Kinja won't let me edit, grrrr....

Thing is, someone in what you call the "real" friendzone would never, ever call it the friendzone. Because they respect their friendship.

Idk, I mostly see guys self-labeling it as being "friend-zoned", which naturally opens them up to censure. Whenever I've seen guys simply talk about being rejected and what they did wrong, the response is generally sympathy.

But everyone's afraid of being rejected. Most of all if you genuinely care about the person and risk changing the friendship irreparably. But getting angry and lashing out at the person you purported to like just shows that you didn't really like them; you just wanted them to fill a "role" in your life.

Yeah, the number of guy "friends" who came out of the woodwork when I broke up with my ex was disgusting. You can also identify them by how much they trash talk anyone you're interested in.

They didn't "friend zone" you. They just decided they weren't into you. Probably at least some of them for reasons such as you are a person who uses the term "friend zone" and think it's a real thing.

They didn't "friend zone" you. They just decided they weren't into you. Probably at least some of them for reasons such as you are a person who uses the term "friend zone" and think it's a real thing.

That was one of the things I was afraid of, but surprisingly, the only one who's groped my stomach has been my little sister. Husband likes to pat or rub it sometimes, but obviously he's not a stranger.

Probably... Then again, it *is* the internets.

Well, I already decided that you were an asshole that didn't care about logic and research from you interactions with other people, so I thought an ad hominem was the perfect response :)

You realize that is super-duper illegal, right?

You certainly don't write at a graduate level...

She might've had pictures and notes on it of sentimental value.

Not at Burger King's, at least when I worked there ~3-5 years ago.

1. Any guy coming up to me before I set foot out the door and directly asking for my number is not creepy (unless there are other factors involved). Once I set foot out the door, no amount of attractiveness is going to make him not-creepy. You realize that girls consider a lot more factors than physical attractiveness