
No, despite means "in spite of", not "to spite".

We go with soft responses because it lowers the risk of retaliation, especially in cases where your livelihood or physical safety hinges on it. It's much easier to tell off a guy when you're with a group that you know will back you up, than when you're in a group where half the people will think you're the one being

They didn't shame him on the website by name; he chose to come out with that apology.

I wouldn't say most men.

A surprising number of guys do, indeed, freak out at any negative response.

No, she cared enough to go through and take screenshots and put together the whole thing. That effort shows it definitely bothered her enough to share with her friends at least.

Because, in my experience, men do this kind of thing so often that if I cut them off each and every time, I'd be mad ALL the time.

If you have any professional contact with someone, it's quite dangerous to your career to complain or tell them to stop explicitly. The dynamics are different than with strangers.

It happens even if you don't tell them to stop harassing you.

Buses are cheap in China. Like, one yuan cheap.

I didn't get a prenup because it wasn't necessary, but on the other hand, I wouldn't marry someone who absolutely refused a prenup, either. Idk, the willingness to sign it is generally enough of a symbol that they're going into it in good faith.

The only way giving up things you love for your partner is reasonable is if they're an addiction that's interfering with your life and relationship (outside of them simply not liking them). Like if the guy in question was neglecting his responsibilities because of video games and didn't have the self control to wait

I hate to say this, but could you be, ummm, enabling him?

Can you leave me that blanket in your will? Because Aerie probably doesn't need used Aerie stuff ;)

They can also post makeup on pre-shoot.

Two words: wedding pictures.

How has no one mentioned that the most irrational thing about this is that she's releasing a Christian parenting book???

Wow... I had a mental image of like a 12-yro for some reason. 16 at most.

He somehow used Ubuntu to wipe his Windows 8 partition? That takes some doing...

I don't see where anyone suggested that he change the characters. It was more about how what people want to see and what's socially acceptable don't mesh very well.