
Urmm, sex without foreskin is not real sex? I believe that most men would beg to differ.

Luckily, your opinion doesn't matter here. It's written into law.

Isn't it recommended even more for pregnant women?

I think it's because she demonstrated bad judgement/ medical incompetence in reading a vague warning label on a vaccine and flipping shit over it, more than anything else.

She also demonstrated bad judgement.

You're a NURSE who LIED about getting a vaccine? Seriously???

They are. All doctors are.

I mentioned this upthread, but her doctor phrased the note very delicately. I think that he/she believes in the value of the vaccine, but she's stressing out so much about it that the emotional/psychological harm from getting something she believes is dangerous would be more harmful than just not getting it.

Seconded, my OBGYN recommended it to me too.

"Be descriptive when giving instructions". When I tell him to do the dishes, I shouldn't always have to specify "get them done in the next 24 hours...

But yeah, the run-on sentences. Some people *cough cough my husband* use that as an excuse to drone on forever. Excuse me, but if your sentence if longer than 5 minutes long and you have a pause of 10 seconds or more, it's fair game for me to interject. I'm not trying to interrupt (at first); I have no clue when he's

If only it was one of those super-accurate scales for cooking. I desperately need one.

Brave was great in a lot of aspects, but its plot and message really fell short. I went home thinking really, really? There was the distinct lack of repercussions for her behavior, except indirectly by screwing over her mom. Who, after that whole episode, somehow decides that instead of a good long talk over what is

Sorry, but Brave was a huge disappointment. Tangled had amazing music, but was still very traditionally Disney.

'The thing that really ticks [off] Asians"? We're not a monolith. Every individual has their own pet peeves.

You're thinking overt racism here.

So what did you think about his comments on black people, then?

Is this furreals??

Small things add up.

I think you're showing your ignorance here.