

Totally understandable.

Eh, most teas should be fine. There's much less caffeine than in coffee, so you can drink in moderation with no ill effects.

It's not white people. It's some white people.

Yep, not surprised. This was the same prosecutor that fucked up the Casey Anthony case.

Some of us have time constraints :P

Aaaand here we go.

Who do we pay to mutilate him? Because they are going to have PTSD.

You could probably line them up and kill them in batches?

I think we might not actually have as high rates of extreme violence, but we're pretty creative when we do go that route :P

Except that you really, really don't want to be that one man.

There have been plenty of times labs have messed up. I can't recall the name, but one lab in particular was responsible for like almost all the wrongfully convicted cases in their area over a 10-yr period. They can trust the technology, but not the people working it. Samples get mixed up all the time, and some lab

Ha. Mathematically true.

But this article is not on interracial relationships. It's on preferences and tendency to reach beyond your own race etc.

My gut reaction to learning that a good friend is in a serious relationship is to go "Nuooooooooh... what about meeeee?"

"Asians look pretty"? That sounds as stupid as saying "white people look pretty".

It's creepy because you're fetishizing their whiteness. You don't find all white girls hot; you find a subset of them hot.

Yeah, I really do think Americans think they own bossy.

Asian girls going after white guys is a whole 'nother topic altogether, that probably deserves 3-4 articles on its own.

Asian women aren't bossy? Buahahahahahahah. I know too many Chinese guys who will no longer date Chinese girls because they're tired of getting bossed around all the time.