
I was also suspended for fighting in high school. Carried knives to school. Still doesn't give anyone the right to stalk me at night in a fucking car.

Experts have already agreed that those are surface wounds. He got punched and also probably shoved into the ground. However, those are far from life-threatening wounds. He didn't even have a concussion, dude.

Aaaand how many 17 year olds do this?

So blame the person who cheated on you and betrayed your trust? She doesn't owe you shit.

If you can't enjoy it, don't do it. Unless you're comfortable enough to make yourself uncomfortable for your (hypothetical) girlfriend's sake. Sometimes knowing that she's really into it is enough for some people to overcome their initial hesitancy.

I think he was implying the opposite, that you copped to your mistakes rather than lashing out.

Interestingly, even as a girl, I don't hit other girls.

There are some fairly insidious forms of sexism that don't involve bombing or hitting anything. More like protecting and sheltering from the real world.

Because speaking up often has horrible consequences for the woman, and most people are more willing to admit things under the anonymity of the internet.

I read them, dumbass.

By "these kids" I really hope you're not talking about the girl the OP mentioned who lost her baby?

Funerals aren't for the dead; they're for the living.

Smart is bad too. It's another thing they can'st control.

Wtf? Nothing in her comment said she was being objectified or thought that people were out to get her.

Every time my pass expires with money on it, they give me a new card with the same amount on without hassling me at all (I live not in NY state even). They might not be in a good mood all the time, but a little politeness goes a long way with them.

Your use of sheeple and lack of grammar tells me pretty much all I need about you, tyvm.

Might be one of those sheer socks for wearing with dress shoes?

Umm, you had a wife to help you with shit. If you've been through so much you'd think you'd have some goddamn sympathy.

50k is working poor? Ha.

Watching her kids is a full-time job. Do you know how much daycare costs?