
There, conversely, also a lot of parents who are more interested than keeping up appearances than their kid's well-being, and would pressure them into an abortion, regardless of their opinion.

You're thinking ideal case parents though.

If they are 9 or 10, they should DEFINITELY BE GETTING ABORTIONS. Because their life is quite possibly at risk. Fuck what the parents think.

I think that the children the laws are going to affect most are precisely the children who don't have parents they think they can talk to about the decision. And I don't think those parents have the right to make such decisions for their kids. A lot of 18-20 yro still lack the maturity and life experience to make such

My "morning sex" happens closer to noon.

"You people need Cheez-its."

Anime ftw!

I agree with lowering the drinking age. I just don't think telling women to be even more careful will do jack shit.

But what if they kept saying "let's hang out" and then bailing?

We know what's up if you just say you're busy or have shit. Don't make plans repeatedly only to cancel last-minute.

And they say that misogyny is dead...

Male Maleficent looks like he is in love with the stolen Prince in his arms.

Do what my sister did.

Some people get sucked into religion in their teens or twenties, for various reasons. Many times, they never come out.

I don't think anyone is pretending it doesn't make you more vulnerable. I think the main issue is that we've all heard it from day 1 of being allowed outside. There isn't really anything more they could say that could suddenly get through to women that hasn't been said a bazillion times already.

No, it's not like making a documentary on a purported true story.

Yeah, except people don't actually ask those questions to the victim first thing as a matter of course.

The problem is that this isn't just people who care about you giving you advice, it's that the first thing people ask when something does happen is, were you drunk? Did you know him? Why did you go out with him? Why didn't you protect yourself.

What MORE?

There is no such thing as a right to be published and sold. That's why there's so many failed wanna-be writers out there....